League of Lunatics

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Ashton waited in his car,music blasting out of the windows and I couldnt help but smile at how free spirited he seemed. He wore a black T-shirt with a hoodie on top.The air was chilly,your usual Australian October.The yellow street light made the Metallica logo on his shirt visible. His hair short but shaggy looked like it was combed with his fingers not too long ago. He sat there staring into the blank space and I could tell he was lost in the music. His jaw was tight but at the same time he was relaxed. As I entered his line of vision his tight jaw uncoiled into a full on toothy smile and began his spasmodic waving as he got out of his car with his black jeans and flip flops coming into view, a 6'0 Ashton stood by the door to greet meet.

"Ma lady",he said as he bowed down and I walked towards him smiling, He had walked to the other side of the car to open the door to me and I was about to sit when he suddenly put his hand on his heart and fell to his knees.

"Ashton!",I yelled as I jumped out of the car that I wasn't even fully seated in yet. I put my arm on his shoulder and said "Whats wrong?!Are you okay?".

"No my heart has been shattered into a million bazillion pieces."

"But why? What broke it all of a sudden?"

"You sat down without hugging me. We've met about 2 times and each time I've hugged you. I was testing you and you,well you failed Salpal."

I stared at him hard for a good 5 seconds and then broke down into laughter. 

"Ashton you ass. You scared the living daylight out of me!", I laughed as I punched his shoulder. 

I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around him and gave him the longest bear hug I had ever given anyone. After maybe 5 seconds of standing there hugging Ashton, I withdrew and said "I know you said no thanks yous so I wont say it-but I just want you to know it means everything to me that youre so nice to me and that you make an effort. It's nice to have a friend like you.'

"Aww Saaally" he said as he embraced me in another hug. 

"Honestly I look at you and I see what it might be like to have a little sister. Youre different than most people and in a good way. You see we are a match made in heaven-we're the siblings we've been waiting for our whole lives and so what if we've known eachother for like 2 seconds. It doesnt matter how long we've known eachother,it matters how long will stay. Hahha and trust me soon enough you'll be begging to me leave, I can be annoying."

'You and me both brother"

We both looked at eachother and decided it was time to meet the guys. it was a 10 minute drive to the beach and we spent the drive there listening to Ashton approved music. We repeated Glad you Came by The Wanted twice since that was a song we both really liked. 

Soon enough we were there. 

"Yo Ashton, can I open my own door or are you going to have another spaz attack if you dont open it?"

"HAHAHA oh Sally, Sally,Sally..", he was too busy laughing to continue and in that time we were both out of the car. 

"Fuck.",I immediately cussed as I inhaled the disgusting beach air. I hated in. I had learned to control the puking but it still made me super queasy. I took a step back and clenched my stomach.'Oh great, thats great. God damn it Sally!'

"Sal,whats wrong", Ashton went from a giggling phase to immediately looking shit serious.

"Gotcha!",I said as I laughed off the urge to gag. I couldnt let him think I was think fragile little girl that couldnt handle the beach. I MEAN ITS THE BEACH, PEOPLE LOVE THIS PLACE.

"Nice one Sally,but dont do that again. I might have a legit heart attack", he said in a voice that made him sound 20 years older.

"Yes sir", I dismissed the topic as I didnt want to piss him off by saying if he does it I should be able to too.

"IRWIN! What the fuck took so long you prick", came a high pitched voice that could belong to no one but Michael Clifford.

'Who the fuck is Irwin'.

"Oh you know old Petunia,she likes to be a bitch at times". 'Oh Irwin as in Ashton Irwin. God youre dumb Sally.'

'Wait,were they talking about me being the bitch that took so long?' My stomach spiralled into a frezy,'Fuck they dont want me here'. I was about to puke when Michael turned to Ashton's car and said "Oh Petunia you little whore"and he patted Ash's car.

'Oh sweet Jesus thank you' as I took a deep breathe out as I realized they were talking about "Petunia"

"WHY HELLO THERE SALLY", Micheal screeched as his attention turned to me.

He embraced me in a hug and god damn it the boy reeked of booze .Beach air plus Mikey's stench were not doing my stomach any favors.

We began to walk towards the rest of the lot and I saw Nicole twirling her hair and batting her eyelashes at Luke. 'Oh God,why her'. I was in no mood to deal with her and her flirty shit. I didnt know how to flirt for the life in me. I was nice and polite to mostly everyone and guys in the past had been self centered enough to think I was flirting with them. Its made me much more cautious of how nice I am to guys at times. Another thing- I did not know how to detect flirting either but that wasnt much of a problem since I was the kind of girls people flirted with- I was always one of the guys and boy did I love that.

Around a fire sat Luke,Nicole(to my utter pleasure), Calum, Jenny from math class and Eddie. Eddie was in a bunch of my classes. He didnt really get out much according to the other boys, he just stayed at home and played his X-box. They said he read to many comics and watched too much TV. I rarely ever talked to him though.

As I approached them I felt the warmth of the fire light up my spirits-little did I know that warmth was the start of something I would come to learn a thing or two about.

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