The One With The Call

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Author's notes: This one shot takes place in 3X09. Kind of smutty, kind of fluffy. Hope you enjoy!


"Herrera, a word." Andy hears him calling her name from the other side of the station.

She looks at Jack for a moment, who gives her a knowing glance, as if he is in on the secret she hasn't shared with a living soul yet. She tries to control the grin that creeps up her lips, but she fails miserably, ending up looking like a smitten teenage girl, who blushes every time the boy she likes gives her even a drop of attention.

"My dad used to do that." She fumbles with the buttons of her shirt, trying to get them closed as fast as possible. If Jack wasn't around, she would have left them open and ran up to the chief's office, but she doesn't want to give him any further reason to suspect.

"Do what?"

"Bellow across the firehouse, summoning people like a king on a throne." Andy closes her locker, her shirt still only half buttoned, leaving a confused Jack behind her. As she climbs up the stairs to his office, she feels a knot forming in the pit of her stomach, a mixed filling of anticipation and nerve.

She notices the blinds of the office are closed, and she lets the breath she is holding in her lungs out as she knocks on the door.

"Lieutenant Herrera." He addressed her formally, and the smile she wears as he opens the door for her turns to a frown in a blink of an eye. "I have called you in because we have to discuss a very serious issue."

"What is it?" She asks.

His answer is to lock the door from the inside and push her against it. She is taken by surprise by the way he kisses her, a deep kiss, filled with tongue and desire, one that makes her toes curl with pleasure and the knot inside of her belly grow even tighter.

He kisses down her jaw as he murmurs. "The very pressing issue on the table is that I have missed you."

Andy wraps her arms around his neck, surrendering completely to the feel of his breaths on her neck. "You just saw me ten minutes ago." She chuckles.

"No, I mean, I missed having you."

She gives him an off sided look "We did it this morning. And last night. Have some self control."

"Around you? Never." He promises. He reaches his hand for her ponytail and undoes it in one pull, letting her hair fall across her shoulders. His hand is in her hair immediately, and he moves her head a little to give him a better leverage to her neck.

"Robert." She moans his name when he bits down on the particular spot where her neck meets her right shoulder, a spot that he discovered is quite sensitive sometime last night. In the back of her mind crosses a thought, one that says that if he marks her like she is some kind of a horny teenager, it will be the death of him, but she can't voice that thought, not when he sucks on that particular spot again.

This will be so hard to explain.

He lifts her up then, one hand supporting her weight as she wraps her legs around him. With his free hand, he pushes around some of the paper lying on his desk, and puts her down on it carefully, her legs still wrapped tightly across his waist.

He goes back to kissing every part of her that he can reach. He pops a few of the buttons on the top of her shirt open, and as his hands slide down she breathes out "We are not having sex on the desk in your office."

They are definitely having sex on the desk in his office, if the wetness between her legs and his erection pressed to her hip are any indication.

"So this was the very important thing you summoned me for? A booty call?"

"Mmmm." Robert hums his approval. He slides his hands beneath her shirt, his fingers traveling the lower part of her back, and Andy knows what his real destination is.

"You men are all the same." She teases him.

He tags his shoulders up, not meaning to deny that her rear is one of the so many attractive attributes about her. As Robert falls down to his knees, Andy releases the grip on his neck, holding onto the table, her legs dangling in the air. He lifts her shirt half of the way up, and starts to kiss her belly.

She giggles, but only until she hears the words "Medical response on channel 4, for aid car 19." Andy sighs, murmuring a "Fuck", and tries to stand back on her feet. Robert holds her in place, his hands pinning her thighs to the wooden surface, and the look on his eyes is one of both want and frustration.

"Yeah, that is exactly what we are about to do."

"I am afraid not." Andy grabs the hair tie and pulls her hair back into a ponytail. "Jack and I are on aid car duty today."

"I am just going to tell Maya to get someone to cover this one for you. You know, since I am the battalion chief and all." Robert declares.

"Yeah, and what exactly are you going to tell her? That you and I both really wanna come so she just has to give me half an hour more?"

As the both of them understand just how ridiculous that notion is, he finally lets go of her, and she is by the door in a matter of a second.

"Please tell me we can at least pick up where we are leaving this off once you come back." He begs, and Andy finds it almost cute.

"I will think about it." She gives him a vague answer, and a short kiss on the lips to put an end to their interrupted affair. As she opens the door and steps outside of his office, she steals one last glance at him.

The effect they have on each other is astounding. Even as every muscle of her body aches, she still can't get enough of him. She thinks she never will.

He gives her a tired smile, but she is not fooled by it for even a moment. She has left him unsatisfied, high and dry, even if none of this is her fault. Being interrupted is a calculated risk once you are fooling around the station. Andy knows that better than anyone, learnt it the hard way.

She races down the stairs, trying to make herself at least half presentable before she comes to a stop by the aid car.

Jack is already leaning against the vehicle, waiting for her arrival. They ride silently, as she tries to straighten her clothing and calm her racing heartbeat as long as Jack is focused on the task of driving.

As they come to a stop by the address that was given to them by dispatch, and unload the necessary equipment from the vehicle, Jack asks her "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" She answers him with a question of her own, trying to play oblivious to his intention.

"Top secret meeting with Sullivan, you coming out of his office looking like you were fighting a hurricane. Unsuccessfully, if I might add."

"It wasn't a secret. He just gave me some tasks he wanted me to get done." She tries to find an excuse that will sound somehow believable, even if as a battalion chief, he would pass whatever assignments he needs to be done to Maya, not directly to Andy.

Jack moves closer to Andy, and for some reason he almost touches her ass. She turns around to reprimand him, until she sees what he is holding in his hand. "If it was only a meeting where he gave you a to do list, why do you have an 'Urgent' label stuck to your butt?"

Andy is mortified, her face turning red, and if someone up there listened, the ground would have swallowed her whole.

She really should have called sick this morning.

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