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by: @hapigurl_


Lia's P.O.V

"Soobin-ah, wake up!"i said as I shake her head lightly. He just hummed as he hugge my arms.

"Yah, we're here."i said as I slapped his cheek lightly. He opened his eyes as his gaze landed on mine, I rolled my eyes as I removed his head on my shoulders.

Gladly, that he's really sleeping. I looked at the driver as I smiled at him, he gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Ahjussi!"i said as I opened the door. We walked inside of Soobin's house,

"Ah! I'm tired, Master!"Soobin groaned as he lay down on the sofa while his eyes is close but he's smiling. I looked at him in confused.

"Then, why are you smiling like an idiot?"i said as I took off my shoes.

"Nothing. Just having a good dream makes me feel like I'm the happiest person alive."he said as he smiled at me. Stop smiling at me, you look more cute when you are like that.

I looked away as I smiled awkwardly.

"Call me Master until tomorrow, okay?"i said. I was shocked when he pouted his lips and sat on the sofa.

"You're not going to ask me what's my dream?"he asked while pouting. I blinked so many times as I chuckled awkwardly.

What's up with this bunny? Hehe, he's cute but.. why is he like this?

"W-why do I need to ask? It's up to you if you want to share it or not."i said as I laughed awkwardly again. Argh, why does it have to be awkward for me after confessing to that driver that I like him? Hehe.

Yes, I do confessed that I like Soobin but i wanted to hide it. It's not yet over with my mom and I don't want to drag both his mother and him.

"Well.. I don't know if it's a dream or not."he said so I looked at him. He's looking at the ceiling just like he's thinking. He slowly turned his gaze to me so I widened my eyes.

"Eh? What now?"i asked irritatedly.

"In my dreams, you said that you like me."i stopped for a while just because of what he said. I gulped as I looked at him,

"Really?"i asked. He nodded his head as he smiled at me.

"Aish! Don't worry, I know that you didn't like me. You hate me, master, right?"he said as he laughed. I just look at him,

"Soobin-ah,"i called while looking at him. He stopped as he looked at in confused. His face become clueless.

"What if.. what if I told you that.."i started.

"What if I told that there's a cockroach in your shoulder?"i said as I pointed to his shoulder. He slowly looked at his shoulder and that made him widen his eyes more bigger, I laughed.

"Yah! Yah! Yah! Jisu! Remove this! Aaa!"he screamed as he stomped his feet so many times. He looked away, trying not to look at the cockroach in his shoulder. I laughed, he looked like a baby!

"Jisu! Choi Jisu! I'm begging you, remove this!"he screamed again as he fake cry. I laughed more as I went closer to him.

"I'm your master."i said, trying to tease him more.

"Master! Remove this for me!"he yelped. I went to him as I held her hand. I slapped his hands to his shoulder to kill that cockroach.

He opened his eyes as I looked at him. I laughed out out when I saw his face making a disgusting reaction. I killed the cockroach using his hands.

"Gross.. Choi Jisu!"he yelled as he stood up so I quickly ran to my room and locked it.

"Yah! Open that door! This is so gross! Wash it for me!"i heard him yelled.

"Just promise me that you're not going to wipe it for me."i said between my laughs.

"I promise! Just remove this!"he said. I opened the door, I saw him pouting his lips so I grabbed his hands and went to the bathroom.

"You're like a baby. You can't even wash it by yourself."i said while washing his hands.

"I'm scared and it's gross."he said so I looked at him, he's still pouting.

"Stop pouting already. The other cockroach might kiss you while you're sleeping."i said as I chuckled a bit.

"Yah!"he warned so I laughed.

"Lia-ya,"he called so I just hummed while putting a soap in his hands.

"I didn't know that I invented a word called, Lia-phobia."he said so I just chuckled.

"You made that kind of phobia to make fun of me, right?"i asked. He hunmed,

"Still having that phobia?"i asked as I looked at him, I was shocked when his face went closer to mine.

"W-what are you doing?"i asked. I think I'm blushing right now, his face is really near to me.

"I can smell your hair, it's stinky, ew!"he said as he shooked his head in disbelief. I cleared my throat as I smell my hair and he's right.

"Go and wash up. I'll change into pajamas. By the way, thanks for washing my hands."he said as he smiled at me and walked out.

W-what's that?


(Note: For my errors, typos, etc. I sincerely apologize for that. I was trying my best to write this story, so please. Appreciate me, hehe. Thank you! Keep reading and don't forget to vote, comment, and share this to your friends!)

➠ (Author: Sorry for the short update, I currently having a hard time to write since I lost my drafts :< I'll do better and I'll work harder for all of my readers—for all of you! Thank youuuu!)

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