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"Aelin?" Rhysand knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again but louder, "Fenrys?"

"I'm kinda worried," he said "if you don't open up in thirty seconds, i'm coming in."

The rest of the Night Court, along with Helion and Tarquin, were stood outside the guest room. They had been trying to get the four's attention for the past minute, but it was deadly silent. Rhys was quite worried that they had all been murdered or something.

A minute passed and not even the slightest movement could be heard. Using his dark magic, he unlocked the door with a snap and shoved it open. He stopped dead in his tracks... it was certainly a sight to see.

Lorcan was laid at one side of the double bed, a bottle of wine clutched in his grasp and his hair was strewn over his face. In the middle was Fenrys, shirtless and laid on his back. Planted directly ontop of him was aelin. She had her head comfortably resting on his bare chest like a pillow, and their legs were tangled together.

Snuggled right against Fenrys' side was Dorian. His face was practically buried in the former's armpit as he was snored softly, and there was hardly any room left on the bed because of the sheer size of all the males.

"Are they... hungover?" Mor chuckled.

"I did notice that half of my good wine was missing," Helion mumbled. He walked forward and poked Aelin in the ribs, causing her to bat his hand away, mumbling something unintelligible.

"Aelin!" Feyre said, placing a hand on her stomach at the same time. Luckily, no one had seemed to realise she was pregnant yet, but she knew that the time would soon come.

"Go away Lysandra, you're always too chirpy at this time in the morning."

Feyre looked to her mate, confused, but Fenrys then cracked an eye open.
"Not Lysandra," he mumbled, "different world, remember."

Who was Lysandra?

Lorcan had now fully woken up and was sat at the edge of the bed, head in his hands. He placed the alcohol bottle on the table next to him with a sigh. Dorian, in the other hand, was still snoring.

"You're so heavy!" Fenrys tried to push the Queen off of him, but she just held tighter. Everyone watched with raised eyebrows as the male used his weight to shift her so that she ended up underneath him. He hovered over her, a smirk on his face.

They didn't seem to care that in doing so, Lorcan was pushed onto the floor on his ass. He snarled, but it went unheard. Fenrys let his weight collapse on top of Aelin, crushing her completely.

"Dorian.. help."

At the plea for mercy, the King snapped his eyes open and kneed Fenrys in the ribs. The wolf shifter toppled off of the bed and landed directly on a pissed off Lorcan. It was absolute chaos, and only when Aelin stood up did they seem to realise that there was quite a large audience.

"Alright, I'm up!" she exclaimed. She grabbed the hem of her shirt, ready to get changed, but ushered out the strangers of Prythian.

"Out! I'm going to get changed."

The door slammed shut, leaving them staring at the mahogany wood.

"She's really going to get changed in there with them?" Tarquin asked, "I wonder what her husband would think."

"For the love of the Gods!" Aelin said through the wall "why does everyone think it's such a big deal!"


It was later that afternoon, the night of the ball, and they had all near enough finished getting ready. Dorian was reclined on the bed, reading a book. He had chosen to wear a simple suit with his golden crown.

Fenrys and Lorcan, however, were both wearing black trousers and button up shirts. It was simple, but they looked deadly.

Aelin pulled off her pyjamas and stepped into her dress. When she had finished (she had done her hair and makeup before hand), she turned around to show the others.

"Simply stunning!" fenrys gave a chefs kiss.

Dorian copied the action, "Beautiful."

Lorcan looked up out of curiosity for one second and grunted. Aelin supposed that it was the best compliment she would get from the male. Brushing him off, she turned to study herself in the full length mirror.

She wore a bright metallic gold dress that was made of a silky satin material. It had thin straps and a 'v' shaped neckline that dipped all the way to just above her naval, exposing a lot of skin. The bottom was tight at the waist and around the hips, and when it got to her mid thigh, it flowed out softly all the way down to her feet. On the left side, there was a large slit that showed off her leg.

Of course, she still had her weapons. Down her back, Goldryn was sheathed, which she had to admit pulled the look together. And strapped to one of her thighs was an array of daggers, but they were concealed underneath the fabric of her gown.

"Ready?" she asked them.

Fenrys and Dorian nodded enthusiastically, but Lorcan just mumbled something incoherent as he stood up and walked to the exit. Aelin hoped that this night would go well.


They could hear the chatter of guests and the band through the door. It sounded like a lot of fun and she was extremely excited to dance and party. She grabbed Fenrys' hand, pushed open the entrance and together, they descended the steps.

Dorian and lorcan were a step behind; a force to be reckoned with.

Everyone in the room stared. Maybe it was because the males seemed large and scary, or maybe it was because of the sheer beauty of the group. Either way, the queen was basking in the attention.

When they reached the bottom, they scanned the room for their newfound friends. The Night Court were stood near the elegant bar, chatting to Helion and his friends. They made their way over slowly, careful not to bump into the masses.

Throughout the night, they made conversation, discussing funny things in their lives, and laughing and dancing for hours. Helion and Aelin got along very well with their banter, and for a while it seemed like there something more going on between Fenrys and the High Lord of the day court.

At about midnight, Aelin walked off the dance floor and over to Rhysand to ask him a question. she wanted to know if he had found a way for them to get home yet.

"So-" she began, but was cut off as a huge window shattered and a figure came bounding through. She sighed through her nose, annoyed that her question was interrupted, but her heart stopped when she realised what it was.

[DISCONTINUED] TOG and ACOTAR CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now