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@Fire_Bringer07 and @Jaiz_Mankoo
i love reading your comments about getting excited for my updates lol, so here you go!


aelin was excited and giddy; she itched for a fight and was glad that one had come. she could also prove to beron that she was more powerful than him - more powerful than any of the high lords here.

"isn't she being a bit insensitive?" thesan, the high lord of dawn, muttered. as he said it, aelin continued to skip down the hallway, spinning a few times and flipping her knives in the air.

rowan snarled, but answered anyway.
"you'll find that aelin doesn't give a shit. she doesn't particularly care for battle, but i know right know she's itching for a fight."

"and why is that?"

rowan turned his attention on tamlin and beron and pointed at them.
"because you two pissed her off. the best option for aelin would be to kill you both, but since she can't do that, she'll take the next best thing."

they all paused in their tracks. they were walking in a large group to the outside, with aelin ahead of them, but something had blocked their exit.

a valg.

it was about a few feet in front of her and as a result, rowan itched to run forward to her aid. but he knew that aelin had it under control.

"hello," she chirped as if she was greeting a friend. the male infested by the demon snarled, "what's your name?"

the valg opened its mouth, but aelin interrupted it by holding a hand in the air.

"let me guess," she changed her voice so that it was deep, trying to imitate that of the monster, "your human tongues cannot pronounce our names?"

the valg growled, ready to attack, but she arched her sword through the air and cut off its head in seconds. with a little kick, the body tumbled to the side and the Queen disappeared around the corner.

rowan sighed through his nose, closed his eyes, and a second later followed his mate. it was definitely a suffering expression that crossed his features.

when they reached outside it was chaos. aelin was already fighting, and the high lords and the night court couldn't help but stare.

she moved with a lethal grace, cutting down enemy after enemy like they were simply stalks of wheat. it was a mesmerising dance of death.

"are we going to fight or what?" helion snapped, tense that his court was getting invaded.

"nope." dorian said. he flipped back an overturned bench to its original position and reclined down. seconds later, fenrys joined him.

"what do you mean, no?" beron growled. aelin's court rolled their eyes as they watched her cut down valg after valg, but the show was only just beginning.

"shield!" she shouted at rowan. he threw up a barrier of wind around the high lords, their courts, and the rest of the city, preparing for the onslaught of aelin's magic.

and then she exploded into blistering hot flame. it was like liquid light, a golden pillar that curled and winded around her. it then extended out in a rush of heat, charring anything that was unfortunate enough to end up in its path.

rowan grunted, but still managed to make sure everything was protected from the flame.

feyre stared in awe. she had fire magic, but it was no were near as powerful as hers. beron, on the other hand, stared in distaste. he was annoyed that the girl was stronger than him, but he wisely didn't say anything.

"by the cauldron." cassian muttered when the flame died down. all that stood was ash - no more army, no more valg demons - just aelin and a whole lot of dust.

her hair floated behind her head on a phantom wind and the gold in her eyes blazed with light. she looked like a goddess; the heir of mala.

"great show, aelin. you really out did yourself." fenrys sighed, crossing a leg over the other. he threw his arms over the back of the bench behind lysandra, and the shifter rolled her eyes.

the night court and helion stepped closer to thank her, but as soon as the latter put a hand on her shoulder, he pulled it away with a hiss.

"hot." was all the queen managed to murmur. she was extremely tired and didn't have the energy to explain that her skin would most likely burn everything it touched for the next few minutes.

rowan, however, walked over to his mate and wrapped an arm around her with no problem. she leaned on him, unable to walk, before passing out.

"is she okay?" feyre asked with concern. rowan scooped aelin up bridal style and began carrying her back to one of the rooms.

"yes, she just needs rest from using all that magic at once." and with that, he disappeared around the corner.

"that was... something." tarquin muttered, astonishment lacing his voice. it was fenrys that then spoke up with a laugh.

"she's got more magic than that, summer boy," varian chuckled at the nickname, "you should've seen her when she completely destroyed a thousands of year old lake in anielle."

"destroyed a lake?" rhysand asked with a raised eyebrow, "how do you destroy a lake?"

"she turned it to steam. evaporated the entire thing."

before they could reply, fenrys shifted into a white wolf and walked off, heading to see if his queen was okay. her court followed, leaving the high lords in total shock at the situation.

this girl was definitely something.

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