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"well that's fantastic. so when is the dead person going to be summoned?" cassian deadpanned, but fell silent when an icy breeze trickled through the room.

aelin knew that the person had now appeared, but she didn't dare turn around.

"aelin." the voice said. she recognised that voice - rich and smooth. playful; full of life, even in death.

"no." aelin whispered, clutching a hand over her mouth. she still did not turn.

"who is it?" she could hear fenrys and rowan ask, but her mind had gone elsewhere. the high lords of prythian (and their courts) watched intently.

"aelin, turn around." the voice said again.

the queen shook her head, refusing to believe it. "this is not real." she muttered.

"it is. a little," the voice laughed "i mean, i did die but i'm here now. i have a message for you."

"no." aelin said again. rowan walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders, bending down slightly so that they were eye level.

it seemed like now he understood who was in the room.

"turn around, fireheart."

and so she did. as soon as she saw those warm, brown eyes, she crumpled to the floor with a sob. the tears wouldn't stop falling.

she felt the presence walk over to her and sit on the floor on his knees. he couldn't touch her, but she could feel the warmth and love radiating from his body.

she looked up.

"sam." she cried.

"hello, aelin."

"i'm sorry," she stared "i'm sorry i wasn't there. i didn't mean for you to die, i'm-"

"hey," he whispered softly, "it's not your fault, okay?"

tamlin opened his mouth to speak, but even from the floor, she could see rowan hold a dagger to his throat and silence him.

the other high lords didn't seem inclined to stop the fae male - not because rowan was utterly terrifying, but because it would've been disrespectful for tamlin to say something at this moment in time.

"w-what's your message?" aelin got out, but her voice was shaky.

"i came to let you know that orcus has an army of one hundred thousand. he resides under the mountain with them, as well as 2 valg princes." sam said.

his form began to flicker and the room started to grow warm again. before he could completely disappear, aelin spoke up.

"is-is nehemia there with you? my parents?"

"i cannot speak much about the dead, but they are happy and reunited with the rest of your family," sam's form was now a faint blue glow. "i'm so proud of you aelin."

and then he disappeared.

aelin remained hunched over on her knees, crying softly into her hands. the room was completely silent, but rowan sat next to her and embraced her in a hug.

"one hundred thousand," she heard helion whisper "we have 12 thousand in each court, which brings our army to 84,000."

after that, she drowned out the rest of the chatter. she distinctly remembered rowan helping her stand and taking them to their room.

he laid her in the bed and cuddled up to her side, letting her sob in his shoulders. he didn't speak unless she asked a question - he was just there for her.

not long later, aelin drifted off into a dreamless slumber.

[DISCONTINUED] TOG and ACOTAR CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now