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"I'm half fae," she said.

"What?" Tarquin replied, confused.

"Do you want me to say it again? I'm half-"

"No we get it, you just don't look half fae."

Aelin stood up and walked to the centre of the room. Dorian, Lorcan and Fenrys all watched the show down with entertained faces.

"That's because I'm in my human form right now. I can shift into my fae form - just like Fenrys can change into a wolf."

"Oh," Rhysand muttered. He then turned to Lorcan and Dorian. "Can you two change?"

Lorcan shook his head. "I'm half fae too, but I don't have another form."

They turned to the King, waiting for an answer.

"I'm fully human. I just have magic, but that's very rare in our world."

Beron looked disgusted that Dorian was a human, but as the man shifted into a panther, his expression changed to fear. The king then walked over to Cassian on four paws, tilting his head and then shifting again. Another Cassian now stood in front of himself.

"I can shift into anything and anyone." he said, the voice the exact same as the Illyrian general. He even had wings.

"That's unsettling," Cassian mumbled. The human shifted back into himself and plopped down on the sofa, throwing an arm over Fenrys' shoulders. At that, everyone turned back to the queen.

Aelin gave a little mocking bow as a flash of gold light erupted throughout the room. When it disappeared and she had stood up, she was in her fae form. Her ears were pointed her canines sharp and she seemed even more beautiful than she did moments before.

With all of her immortal speed, she ran over to Tamlin and kneed him in the stomach. She was so fast that it seemed like she had winnowed there, and so utterly unexpected. The High Lord of Spring doubled over, gasping for breath.

"I hope that hurt."

The Night Court stifled giggles at Aelin's actions, but Tamlin had regained control of his lungs and stood up. His face was absolutely furious. Fenrys and Lorcan tensed as he stepped forward, but he couldn't get close enough to Aelin to lay his hands on her.

She had lit herself on fire completely.

"What in the cauldron!" Feyre exclaimed, stepping away. Beron watched her curiously. The Queen gave another mocking bow.

"Aelin of the wildfire, heir of Mala fire bringer, at your service."

Aelin let her flames die down when Tamlin backed away, but Amren stepped closer. She sniffed, tilting her head to the side as she looked for answers.

"You are more powerful than all of these Hugh Lords combined," she suddenly said, causing everyone in the room to stiffen.

"What?!" Kallias spluttered. Aelin just smirked, as if she was the best person in the entire room. Well, in her own mind she was.

"More powerful than me?" Rhysand asked his second in command. He wasn't bragging, just perplexed. Amren nodded.

Brushing that aside, Azriel turned to Lorcan and Fenrys, "what is your magic?"

The wolf shifter spoke up first, "I can... winnow. Is that what you call it?"

"And you?" Mor asked Lorcan.

"My power is death," his voice was devoid of any emotion and his face was utterly expressionless. Aelin laughed at the fear that passed over everyone's faces.

"Don't mind Lorcan," she chirped "he's cold bastard. Like to put on a bit of a show."

"Your magic is death? How does that work?" Tamlin scoffed as if it made no sense.

"Come closer, High Lord of Spring and i'll show you."

The others tensed at the demise and destruction promised in the fae male's eyes. Aelin, on the other hand, tipped her head back and cackled.

"Enough with the theatrics, Lorcan."

Small chatter soon followed and whilst the little conversations were going down, it seemed like Tamlin was plotting. His poor ego couldn't handle being crushed by a woman, and so he had decided to take it a step further.

Quietly, he unsheathed his dagger and aimed it at Aelin's head.

Before any of them could react, he cocked his arm back and threw. It had locked in on its target and travelled on the wind swiftly, but it never made contact.

Because someone had stepped through a portal and grabbed it clean from the air.

[DISCONTINUED] TOG and ACOTAR CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now