Pride Before The Fall

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Episode 3: Pride Before the Fall

Trayvon's POV

Nominations have just ended, and Briana and Cory are being sent in. I feel awful that I had to vote for Cory, after practically eating our faces off a couple times, including that time in the shower, but he told me that it was okay, 'cause that's the game, and he doesn't want anyone to know that something is going on between us, so we better keep that under wraps for now.

Everyone heads off to their rooms, the losers to pack their stuff, the winners to chill, maybe eat, before going into the elimination. I decided I'd go to the pool to try and calm myself down, because I am honestly scared that I could lose Cory tonight.

Trayvon's Confessional:

I go out to the pool to meditate, breathe, and just try to calm myself down, because I'm slowly falling for Cory, and if he does go home tonight, I'd be so crushed, that whatever we had, gone in an instant. I'd be gutted, and it's gonna affect me more than it should.

Do you think Cory feels the same way about you? The producers ask.

Honestly? I hope so. He was the one who initiated the first few times we did kiss, so I'll be holding on to that.

As I was hanging out alone by the pool, I was suddenly joined by Cory. "How you feeling?" I ask him. "Honestly, I'm kinda scared, but I don't wanna show that. That's when the sharks attack." He tells me, and I nod. He sits down on the lounge chair, positions himself behind me, and wraps his arms around my waist. "What's going on in that head of yours, Wharton?"

"The thing I'm most scared of, is that I go into elimination, lose, and then have to be separated from you" he tells me, and I feel the exact same way.

Cory's Confessional:

I'm not scared of going into elimination, I'm not. What I'm scared of is that I lose this elimination, and technically, I lose whatever me and Trayvon have. He's become a staple in my life for the past week, and I honestly don't know what I'd do if I can't be with him. I have accepted the fact that I have feelings for Trayvon, and I just hope he feels the same way.

I turn around, while trying to keep his arms around me, and cling to his neck. "I don't want to lose you" I mumble into his neck, while he just holds me, rubbing soothing patterns on my back, "I don't want to, especially not now that we just got along like this." I admit to him. "I don't want to lose whatever this is, 'cause this is the only thing keeping me sane in this game right now, and if I lose you tonight, I just might lose it" I rant to him.

"I'll do whatever it takes to win the elimination tonight. You have to promise me though, that you'll cheer for me on the inside?" "You don't have to ask, Cor, I'd do it out loud if I could, but I can't yet, especially not with Nelson here." I tell him. He then looks around, to make sure we were alone, then gives me a deep kiss. I return the kiss immediately and hug him tighter. "What are you doing to me, Cory Wharton?" I ask to the heavens, and he just chuckles. "I should ask you the same thing, Trayvon Williams." We both give each other pecks on different parts of our faces, before ending it with classic lip lock again.

"We're gonna have to go soon, so I'll go get my stuff. Wish me luck, okay?" Cory tells me. "You don't need luck, you're good, but good luck anyways." I say to him, he just chuckles. We both stand up, then I pull him in for another kiss, his arms wrap around me and lift me up a bit, before bringing me back down.

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