Road to Redemption

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Episode 5: Road to Redemption

Trayvon's POV

So, Jenna, and my bro, JoJo, just got sent home last night, and I'm so pissed. That wasn't even supposed to happen. I'm so mad at Nelson right now (who are we kidding, I don't feel any other emotion towards him except anger and hatred), I'm going to kill him when I get the chance.

Cory's been staying in my room instead, since Nelson can't be trusted anymore, and decided that I'm more important than TYB, which I appreciate. Because I just lost my best friend in the house, and he's been nothing but great to me, comforting me ever since we got back home.

I'm staying in my room after we got back, and I'm just muttering to myself. "Nelson's basically declared war. If it's a war he wants, it's a bloody war he's gonna get, and I'm gonna win", and that was when Cory enters the room, and sees me with a scowl on my face, badmouthing Nelson.

"Babe, it's okay. You need to breathe" Cory tells me, and pulls me into a hug, my face on the crook of his neck, and I just start to cry, letting go of all the emotions I've been through the past 24 hours. Cory holds me tight, rubbing soothing patterns on my back, his lips on my temple, whispering things like "it's okay", "let it all out", and I do just that. From fighting with Nelson, adding my son into the argument, to losing JoJo, it's been too hard on me mentally, and emotionally, and I just break down.

Trayvon's Confessional:

I'm really grateful for Cory right now. All the emotional and mental stress I've gone through the past 24 hours was too much, I'm just lucky I'm still alive after all of that. Losing JoJo tonight sucked, having Nelson bring up Cayden in an argument was worse, and just the emotional toll this game brings, it's too much. But I cannot give up now, now of all times when I have so much to fight for. Cayden, JoJo, and Cory. I've never had much of a support system in life, since I'm raising Cayden by myself, and to have Cory by my side, all feels right in the world. I couldn't be happier. Him giving me the support I need right now, and not leaving me alone, shows how much he cares about me, and I just fall deeper in love with this man.

Cory's Confessional:

It sucks knowing the person you love is hurting. From having to deal with Nelson, and the shit he said about Tray's son, and then losing JoJo tonight. It's taking a toll on Tray, and it just sucks, 'cause all I can do is try and comfort him to the best of my abilities. I wanna protect him from the world, he's too important to me right now, and will be, for the rest of my life. I will do whatever it takes, just to keep this man happy.

How do you feel around him? The producers ask.

I feel like a winner, every time I'm with him. I respect him as a player of this game, as a father, and as a lover. He's basically the best thing that's happened to me, as of right now. If I was in charge, I already would've eloped with him, maybe have kids of our own, that white picket fence shit. But, we're just gonna go with the flow for now, 'cause relationships formed on this show are not known to last very long, and hopefully, we're one of the lucky few that do.

After my episode, we lie down in bed, just holding onto each other, still reeling from the elimination. "We're gonna be okay. We can take Nelson out, and flip this whole house upside down, if we actually start working together." Cory suggests, and I just nod onto his chest. "You tired?" he then asks me, and I nod again. "Get some sleep. I'll just be here with you, always. Good night, Tray." He kisses me on the forehead, and then my lips, and I just lay my head back down on his chest, "Good night, Cor. Thank you, for being here with me, for me. Just, thank you." I end, then let out a yawn, he chuckles then kisses my temple, before we both fall asleep.

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