Dirty Deeds

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Episode 4: Dirty Deeds

JoJo's POV

We went out clubbing tonight, to let go and chill for a bit and forget the game. We got there and everyone immediately bought drinks. I obviously don't drink, so I bought a soda for myself. I sat down on one of the chairs, with Johnny following closely behind me.

"Wanna drink?" he asks me, offering his drink towards me, which I shake my head at. "I don't drink, remember?" I reply, he just chuckles and then chugs the beer. The music was going, and everyone else was dancing, I was just there, sitting with Bananas.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, excuse me." I say, then stand up to go to the bathroom. I do my business, wash my face and hands, and then head back out, but I stop in my tracks when I see Johnny flirting with Britni, grinding on him without a care in the world, while he's talking to Tony and Leroy about me, 'cause I heard Tony say my name, then he said something that just shattered my heart, yet again.

"I'm just using him, man. I don't like him like that, he's just too gullible to believe the shit I say. I've been telling him what to do, so they don't pin the blame on me." He raises his glass, while Tony and Leroy do the same and they do a cheers, and then kiss Britni after that.

JoJo's Confessional:

Wow, JoJo. You're so stupid for believing someone like Johnny. It's like Hunter all over again, but this time, it hurts more, 'cause I really thought Johnny felt something towards me. I guess that was all just a lie. I tear up, furiously wiping my face. I'm so done with people using me for their own benefit. I'm officially done. I'm so fed up with everybody. I just wanna leave. Can I leave? I say angrily, standing up and leaving the confessional area.

I decided to go home after what I saw; I just can't stand to see the man I've started falling for kissing someone else, and then hearing that what we had was basically all for shits and giggles. It sucks, but I just have to suck it up, and kill all of them.


Trayvon's POV

I heard everything and saw everything. I am going to kill Johnny for using my friend like that. After the conversation with Tony, Leroy and Britni, I looked over to where the bathrooms are, and saw Joel, a single tear on his cheeks, which got me to realize that he heard it too. Then, all of a sudden, he shakes his head, wipes away the lone tear, and leaves the bar. I wanna give him space, 'cause I know how much Joel hates players, and he was just played by the dirtiest player of them all.

Trayvon's Confessional:

I knew it. I fucking knew it. I knew Johnny was just gonna use Joel like that. I called it. I can't believe he would lie to my face, well, I can believe it, but I just can't believe that he would really hurt Joel like that. He's my brother, and I know that his heart is shattered to a million pieces right now, just like when Hunter rejected and shunned him. He's putting up a brave face, but I'm telling you, the moment he's alone, he's going to break down and might do something he's going to regret. He's been down that path before, and I wanna save him, but he has to collect his thoughts first, I don't wanna go in while the iron's still hot, he might get burned, I might get burned.

I stand near the bar, furiously staring at where Johnny and his goons are, when Cory notices me. "Tray, you okay? What's wrong? You look like steam coming out of your ears" he jokes, while I just continue staring at Bananas and company.

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