🏝⛰Sandcastles ⛰🏝 ~Jinho

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"Jinho get over here right now"

"But whyyyy" Jinho whines.

Sydney always loved going to the beach, but for some reason Jinho HATED the beach.

"Jinho its just sand come on" Sydney says, taking off her flip flops and wiggling her toes in the sand. "Fiiinnnne" he groans reluctantly. Jinho does the same, taking his flip flops off and walking over to Sydney. "Seeee I told you it wasn't that bad" Sydney beams, looking at the water in front of her.

"Let's just pick a spot to put the umbrella before I burn" Jinho sighs.

In a few minutes, Jinho and Sydney pick a spot. A little farther away from the shore than Sydney wanted, but she had to let Jinho have some of the choices so he doesn't hop back in the car and drive away.

Jinho lays his towel out and sits down on it, squinting at the giant see in front of him. Sydney does the same, except since she's more excited to be here, she takes in everything her senses can. The beautiful blue ocean ahead of her, the familiar smell of the salty sea, the slight breeze moving her hair, and the warm sun beating down on her skin.

"Ahh this is paradise" Sydney smiles, flopping down on her towel. Jinho rolls his eyes and scoffs. "You don't know what paradise is then sweetheart."

Sydney turns her head to face Jinho and pouts. "Jinho why are you so grouchy?" She says looking at Jinho as he turns his body to face her. "Im not grouchy it's just- hey. We should pick up seashells" Jinho suggests and stands up from his towel. Not wanting to be left behind, Sydney does the same."Okay!" She dusts the sand off her legs and follows Jinho closer to the water.

"Jinho wait up!" Sydney calls. She carefully tries to dodge all the icky stuff in the sand as she makes her way to Jinho.

When she reaches him, he's already bent over looking for shells. "Did you find anything?" Sydney perks up, brushing her hair behind her ear. Jinho immediately stands up and holds a pink seashell. "Look! I think it'll go well with your skin tone!" Jinho smiles. It's one of the brightest smiles Sydney has ever seen from Jinho. Sydney always looked forward to the next time he smiled, so her heart could leap again.

"Mmmm but I don't like this one" Sydney teases, crossing her arms to make her story more believable. Jinho looks at her, and back to the shell. "Fine. I guess it's kind of ugly" he shrugs, and pulls his arm back to throw the shell.

"WAIT WAIT I LOVE IT I WAS KIDDING" Sydney grabs onto Jinho's arm. Jinho turns and smiles again. "I knew you were kidding," he says. "I just wanted to see your little face all flustered" Jinho pokes his lip out and teases.

"You're so mean to me" Sydney rolls her eyes and looks into the blue ocean.

"Let's go in" she suggests, and heads back to their umbrella so she can take her coverup off. Jinho, who already shirtless in his swim trunks, waits for Sydney to return.

"Ta daaa!" Sydney twirls around in her pink bikini. It has ruffles on the bottom piece which Jinho absolutely adores.

"Thaatttss my pretty woman"

Sydney giggles again and then races into the water. "You can't catch me!" She calls. Jinho who is utterly confused by this sudden action, blankly stares at Sydney as she runs into the water. He thinks she looks like an awkward duck running into the water like that, but she's his awkward duck.

"OH YES I WILL!" Jinho yells back, copying the same awkward run Sydney is doing.

When Sydney turns around to look for Jinho, she catches a glimpse of him doing her awkward duck run, and almost drowns because she's laughing so hard.

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