Chapter 31

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(K19, A18)

Kong looks at the scribbled address on the piece of paper in his hand and then up at the sign above the grey building. The address matches but the name of the place doesn't. Kong has the name 'Tender Care Nursing Home' written but the building before him says 'Comfort Living Nursing Home.' Kongpob tells himself that he has already made it this far, he has to try and see for himself. He squeezes his jacket's left pocket and prays to his grandpa that this is it. After fifty-three years of waiting, Kong hopes today will be the day that he can fulfill his grandpa's promise.

Kongpob steps inside the nursing home and he notices the dark brown carpeted floors has muffled the sound of his footsteps. The bright fluorescent lights inside gave off an odd feeling where it's hard to tell the time of the day. Kongpob notices the awnings around the windows preventing the sunlight from streaming inside. It's only one in the afternoon and it's extremely bright and sunny outside but inside this place, it could very well be nine in the evening. No one would be able to tell the difference.

He walks toward a reception desk but no one is behind it. He looks around and he only sees a few seniors sitting around in front of a large television in what looks like a big community room. There were a few couches and armchairs but some seniors sat in their own wheelchair. Some seniors were dozing off and a couple didn't look like they were paying attention at all.


A few of the seniors suddenly perked up hearing that show come on. Kongpob smiles seeing some of them suddenly excited.

"Hello. May I help you?" A woman in purple scrubs comes up to Kongpob and then walks around to get behind the reception desk.

"Hi. I would like to know if there's a person by the name of Jenny Asanai." Kongpob asks politely. He hopes he spoke clear enough for the woman to understand him.

"And may I know who is asking?"

"Huh?" Kongpob didn't quite understand what the woman said.

"What's your name hun? Are you family or a friend?" The woman shakes her head seeing how confused Kongpob looks.

"Oh, I am.... I am a friend.... I think. My name is Kongpob Suthilak." Kongpob is definitely not family so a friend would be the only other option.

"Well, she only has three friends on her visitor's list and I know all three of them. None of them are you. Fill out a request form and show me a valid ID." The woman hands Kongpob a clipboard with a small form attached for him to fill out.

Kongpob quickly fills the form and hands the woman his official New York state identification card.

"Okay, let me ask if she wants to see you. You can have a seat while you wait."

"Can you tell her I'm Aroon Jenuksorn's grandson?" Kongpob quickly adds. There's no way Jenny would know who he is. How could he almost forget that?

The woman instantly gasps. "The 'Aroon?' The one Jenny was taken away from?"

"Uh, yes. My grandpa is Aroon. And I have something my grandpa wanted me to give Jenny. Please tell her that. Thank you." Kongpob puts his hands together and wai to the woman.

"Uh, just wait here." The woman quickly walks away with the form Kongpob had filled in her hand.

Kongpob takes a picture of the nursing home with his flip phone so he can show Arthit later when he gets back to his dorm. It also helps him remember details he wants to write in his daily diary to Arthit. He currently only has a basic phone without data service. So he must rely on little notes he makes and pictures he takes throughout the day. All the data plans are too expensive for him. Even the cheapest one is over $40 a month and the data allowance is very low. So Kongpob decided to just go with a basic phone with no frills. He only needs it for emergencies anyway.

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