Chapter 33

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Dear Arthit,

I'm so glad I have you to share my thoughts with. I can't believe I've finally managed to find Jenny after all these years. I can't even fully describe my feelings right now. It's like this invisible weight that I've been carrying has finally been lifted off my shoulders. I'm happy and sad at the same time. I almost feel like my grandpa has truly left me because he's now at peace, and I'll miss him even more. Thank you for listening to me ramble on about their sad love story. I hope ours will be much happier. I love you. ❣︎



Dear Arthit,

Today was officially the first day of school. I was so lost trying to navigate between the buildings. There were people willing to help, but they spoke too fast for me to understand and I felt bad for asking more than once. Jamie had helped me find all my classrooms a few days ago, but they changed the locations last minute. I was late for two classes today just because I couldn't find them. I feel so useless and I'm always bothering people.

During my lunch break, I went to Subway and bought two sandwiches. It's buy one get one free for $5. They call this deal BOGO. I'll eat the other sandwich for lunch tomorrow. I only have about ten minutes for lunch anyway, so a sandwich is the quickest. The food here is very expensive so I'll try to get this BOGO deal as often as possible. I'm glad dinner is provided for employees at Payel's family restaurant.

So that's my first day of school. I hope yours was better. I miss you so much. ❣︎



Dear Arthit,

Apparently, what we see in those American movies about Halloween is real. People go all out for this weird holiday. Jamie and Payel dragged me to some house party. I really didn't want to go but they insisted that it's part of the learning experience. I didn't have a costume for such an occasion and I wasn't about to spend money on something so ridiculous. Then Payel made me wear her lab coat and use a broken stethoscope as props. Did I mention that Payel is studying dentistry? She's really smart. Jamie is a business major like me, so that's why she knows all the good professors and the classes to avoid.

Anyway, the party was so wild and out of control. Everyone was already half-drunk when we got there. I think I was the only one sober. I met a lot of people but I don't remember half their names. And they were so drunk I doubt they would remember me the next day. I had to drag both Jamie and Payel back to the dorm completely wasted. I was lucky I didn't get puked on. It was such a long night. I honestly don't think these parties are for me. I wish you were here with me to experience my first Halloween and we could dress up together. ❣︎



Dear Arthit,

I knew you would pass your Comm 201. Krystal has always said you're smart but just lazy with studies. Since you actually studied for the exam this time, I knew you would pass. And you did so with flying colors. I'm so proud of you. It looks like you've lost weight in your recent pictures. It must have been all that stress over Comm 201. Now that that's over, I hope you can relax and eat more. I love your cheeks.

The weather here is getting chillier but I'm layering so don't worry about me. Besides, I run in and out so I'm moving around a lot. I'll be fine. I really don't need a jacket. I'll just wait until it's cold enough to bring out the big winter coat my mom bought for me. You really don't need to worry about me. I rather save the money for my plane ticket to go back home during Christmas break. Just the thought of seeing you soon is enough to keep me warm. I really can't wait. I try not to show it, but sometimes it's very depressing to be all alone here. There aren't that many people I actually talk to here. Jamie is a good friend but I don't want to intrude and be a third wheel all the time. Besides, seeing Jamie and Payel together only makes me miss you more. ❣︎

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