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Ron: okay! what does Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: yes

Ron: now what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: yes!

Laa Laa: * giggling*

Ron: * laughing*

Dipsy: ... * confused why they're laughing*

Ron: what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: ... e-yes?

Laa Laa: * laughing her *ss off*

Tinky: * walks in* what's happening?

Ron: what does Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: yes?...

Ron: now what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: e-yes...

Ron and Laa Laa: * crying tears of laughter*

Dipsy: what are you crying for?

Ron: okay! try again!! what does Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: yes? * confusion*

Ron: now what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: eeyees?

Laa Laa: * starts wheezing*

Dipsy: eyees?

Ron: * trying to talk but can't breathe*

Dipsy: E-Y-E-S! E-YES!!

Tinky: * realizes what's happening* * starts laughing*

Ron: again! what does E-Y-E-S spell?

Dipsy: ... uhhhhhh... 

Ron: * laughing*

Dipsy: ... e-yes

Laa Laa: * luaghing really hard*

Dipsy: what?

Ron, Laa Laa, and Tinky: * laughing their *sses off*

Dipsy: you're gonna make me cry... what?

Ron: E-Y-E-S!

Dipsy: E... Y... E * realizes* Eyes!

Ron, Laa Laa, Tinky: * wheezing*

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