Chapter 54 ~ Splitting up And Searching For Clues

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Hello!! We aren't dead! Surprise! So we have had an eventful last couple of weeks. Our school still had Marching Band so we were there for nine hours and had no energy left. There were a lot of other things going on as well, like me being carted away to a land of no wifi or data yet again. We hated not writing in that period but it just couldn't happen. I have to go on another trip so this chapter doesn't cover as much as we originally planned, but y'all have waited too long for an update so here ya go!

Also the end note is a mess of regret... I PROMISE WE ARE BETTER AT CHARACTER BUILDING THAN THAT!!  I have proof... it's just spoilers... or for entirely different works... for some reason I thought the character sheets were funny at 2 am when we wrote them... 

Uh so this chapter. Apparently we wanted to torture ourselves and make the most complicated second event we could think of at that moment. I am writing this as we are about to attempt to make this work... *sweats nervously* We can only hope that it turned out the way we wanted it to!! *gets ready to draw out diagrams and models to figure out where everything goes*

   Gaara glared at the floor in front of him.

Gaara was no stranger to boredom, but being bored while being stuck with the loudest human being on the planet was the worst thing he had ever experienced.

The only saving grace would be the fact that he had soft things to quell the burning need to throw Yamada out of the window. However, if he had to sit here under these circumstances much longer, he may lose the internal battle.

"You've been wanting to throw a lot of things lately... should I be worried?" Shukaku commented.

"Shut up." Gaara grumbled.

"What's up little listener?" Yamada asked, hearing the kid behind him.

"Nothing." Gaara mumbled.

"Oh are you bored?" Yamada inquired, and Gaara looked at him, "Ok... didn't you bring a book?" Gaara held up the three books he had brought to show the man that he had finished them all. "Alright then..." Yamada trailed off thinking, "Weren't you texting someone before?" Gaara nodded, "Then why don't you text

them again!" Yamada cheered, proud of himself for coming up with a solution.

"I can't." Gaara informed the man. Yamada's triumphant smile fell.

"Why not?"

"His guardians are awake," Gaara stated. Yamada blinked.

"So?" Yamada asked, confused, and Gaara shrugged. Sensing they would get no more out of the boy with that brand of questioning, Yamada and Aizawa shared a look.

"What is your friend's name?" Yamada asked.

"Shinso." Gaara answered.

"The one that you're going to take on as an apprentice, Sho?" Yamada turned his questioning to his husband.

"I'm not taking him on as an apprentice." Aizawa said gruffly, "But yes, I agreed to help him. Why don't you ask if he could train tomorrow." Gaara nodded and sent the question.

"I hope he says yes! I could make lunches!" Yamada cheered, happy again, then realized that Gaara was still bored, "Do you have anyone else you could text?" Gaara sighed and nodded. He pulled out his phone again and resigned himself to the fact he would have to talk to Midoriya.


Gaara [8:59 am]: I have been told that texting will solve my boredom.

Midoriya [9:01 am]: Ok? Hello! What's going on?

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