Chapter 88 ~ Shota Aizawa Doesn't Do Emotions But He Will For His Family

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     Heyyyyy this is like late/early in the morning and I don't have Shinji so this an is a mess and I have no idea what to sayyyyy So! We are getting into the action next chapter! Internship letters are due tomorrow? Are they ready?

Shota sighed as Hizashi remained loud for the entire trip home. They had all decided not to celebrate tonight as the party would be tomorrow anyway. He could forgive his husband for his volume today as it was a very exciting moment.

However, as Shota took a peak in the rear-view mirror into the back seat, he knew that he was going to have to talk with Izuku again tonight. Perhaps it had been the wrong decision to have Izuku attend the adoption proceedings with the kid's situation, however, they hadn't wanted him to feel left out or unwanted. Shota had kind of been hoping that the kid would see that he too could have and deserved people that cared about him.

Unfortunately, Shota had underestimated Izuku's lack of self worth and how thick the kid's mask that hid his emotions was. He cursed himself for making yet another mistake, this parenting thing was really hard. The classes that they make you take could never prepare you for the real thing. In fact, teaching was more similar to parenting, but instead of being a teacher, he was a student again.

Gaara was very obvious, for the most part, with what he needed and was more open to talking about his feelings. Rather, the kid was very blunt. Temari and Kankuro were harder to read and it took a long while before the couple realized that they needed much more love and support than they showed.

They kept their own problems covered up with their concern for Gaara, and needed to realize they mattered and deserved just as much love as their younger brother.

Shota was beginning to see that Izuku was similar, yet in a very different direction.

None of the kids were worse off than one another, just different. They all deserved people that loved them, and supported them to the best of their abilities.

And therapy. Lots and lots of therapy. For everyone. Time to call up his old therapist. He had stopped going when his schedule got super busy, but he should definitely make time to go. As a bonus, it may help squelch any thoughts that therapy means you are broken. Hell, every person on the planet should go to therapy. It would solve a lot of problems.

He really needed to focus on Izuku for tonight, though. The perfect opportunity to talk to the other two was coming up when Izuku and Gaara would be away for their internships.

There was no way that he was going to let Izuku suffer alone tonight and let him continue to think that he isn't seen.

(just in case you forgot like us: this is english. Unless it is mental speech. No english then. Unless the native language is english? Who knows what all these people think in XD. We had to go back to a different doc to see what we had distinguished for english, and in the note it was like "I don't want to go to the hospital" which is funny to me because I ended up having to go XD (and hated it))

"All-right-E," Hizashi accentuated in english as they pulled into the driveway, "I think this calls for a very extravagant breakfast of pancakes! What do you think about that, Kankuro? Wanna make our very first meal together as father and son? Wait-uh- wait no, that is right. I am an official father now. Whoa. I don't think that has set in yet..." Hizashi's face was filled with wonder and Shota snorted. It was a very new feeling for sure, even though nothing changed except getting a new piece of paper with some words on it.

"You sure are, Yamapops- is that too weird?" Kankuro asked suddenly, and since Hizashi was currently incapable of answering, Shota did instead.

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