Chapter 63 ~ There's Another Day Dawning

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 Did anyone catch the Les Mis reference.... Feel free to drop a comment... about the story or just to talk to us.... #definitelynotlonely... Don't feel obligated tho! We just love hearing from you guys! Thank you all for all of your support... I don't think that is grammatically correct... but idc :)

Enjoy the double update guys! I was going to write more but it was really awkward so... have a threatening smiley face instead :)

Shinso sighed as he finally got off the train. He wished that he lived closer to Gaara's house and school so he could just walk instead of taking the train.

Shinso hated the train.

It was way too loud and uncomfortable. Too many people took the train and Shinso did not want to be one of them.

He was glad to finally breathe in the fresh afternoon air as he pulled up his phone again to follow the map to Gaara's house.

He wasn't sure what to expect when he got there. He was quite an Eraserhead fanboy and he had listened to Present Mic's radio show for years but he had no idea what they were really like or how he was supposed to act around them.

He really hoped they were nice.


Shinso looked around worriedly at the house in front of him.

'What if- no. This is the right house according to the address, I am just going to go up and knock on the door.'

Shinso walked up to the door with determination in his gait. He raised his fist to knock on the door, but before it could make contact the door swung open.

"HELLO! YOU MUst be Shinso!" Present Mic shouted in his face, and he saw the raised hair of Eraserhead behind the man.

"Hizashi. Don't yell at our son's friend please. You are going to get the cops called on us again for noise disturbance." Eraserhead deadpanned.

"Sorry, Shinso." Present Mic apologized, "I have a tendency to yell when excited... or scared..."

"It's fine, Present Mic, Eraserhead." Shinso nodded respectfully and Eraserhead groaned.

"Please. It's Yamada," He gestured to his husband, "and Aizawa. Being called by our hero names at home is just weird." Shinso nodded again and Yamada moved aside to let him in.

"Well, don't just stand in the doorway all day long! Come on in! Gaara is in his room, we can either go get him or take you there." Yamada informed him, pointing up the stairs.

"Note that his room is where the cats are." Aizawa added, already leaving the front of the house to go do his own thing, "And we have to set up a time to start practicing, that is if you still want to be in the hero course." Shinso looked at him surprised, then remembered what Gaara had gotten him into. He nodded desperately. "Ok. I will just have Gaara text you then." with that his idol disappeared.

"I think I will just go up to his room then." Shinso decided quite easily, as the cats were kind of the reason that he was there.

"Alrighty!" Yamada said and started for the stairs. Before they could start the ascent they were stopped by Temari.

"Hello Shinso!" Temari greeted cheerfully, and the blue haired girl behind her waved enthusiastically, "Hope you guys have fun!" Temari and the girl left in the direction that Shinso came from.

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