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As the girl stepped foot on campus the aura of the place slightly intimidated her. This school was far different from her last not only in appearance but its reputation was well known within korea. Amidst her cool exterior swarmed many emotions that she refused to let show. A mixture of fear at the thought of anyone possibly knowing her reasons for the sudden transfer in schools as well as a hint of anxiety. She was quite anxious that she wouldn't meet the criteria of those that attended here, amongst all other students she knew she would stand out the most. The more she thought about her idea the more she realized she may have made the wrong choice in schooling; a brown skinned girl, attending a school for some of the richest korean inheritors in the city. Though Zarah wasnt poor, the price that had come along with living the life she had was never worth it. As she stared up at the large castle structured building her eyes traveled to the nearby garden where a large clear dome lie hidden just past the trees. Taking a glance at her step mother she then eyed the dome before slipping away silently.

It seemed her curiosity deemed it's importance to the girl but you know what they say curiosity killed the cat. So when she entered the dome only for her eyes to set on the deep blue her stomach began to twist and turn at the sight. Her vision blurred slightly as she unintentionally allowed herself to dissociate.

The images that flashed within her head were horrifying, two different memories made themselves present within her mind as she stared at the 6 foot deep pool. The image of a little girl lying calmly afloat only for that calm to end moments later when thick jaws snapped at her thighs. . All too quickly it came thrashing through the water and moments later she was no longer above the tide. Water filled her body from any and every crevice it could enter. She was so deep below the surface that fighting it was deemed useless and her pointless cries and screams only made it easier for the water to invade her lungs. She punched and scratched tears stinging her eyes from both the pain of its bite and the fear that welled up inside. The pain of it's sharp teeth digging into her leg and the water invading her body numbed her entirely. When she had finally given up on any chance of survival, it suddenly released her arm and she was pulled up and out of the water. By the time she realized who it was that had dragged her out of the bloody mess of water it had been too late for her savior. Hansol, her brother, was now gone and it was all her fault.

"Zarah, hunny i told you to stay close to me.'' the sound of her step mother's voice quickly snapped her from her thoughts. Zarah quickly shifted her gaze from the presently empty swimming pool to her step mother who had been staring at her quite concerned; well as concerned as she could look, alongside her stood the head of Inception private school. The two had made their way into the dome when they realized the girl had disappeared while they were chatting in front of the school.

"Sorry, i saw this place and got curious.'' she replies, putting on a fake smile to satisfy the women that stood before her.

"That's quite alright hun, this was the last place to show anyways and now that youve seen it our tour ends here, you'll be starting classes tomorrow, but you have all of today to wander around and move your things into your designated room. Now I have some last minute meetings to attend to but feel free to see the assistant principal if you need anything in my absence'' The principal spoke up before giving she and her mother a nod and making her way back into the building, thus ending her mother's facade.

"About time this tour ends, I can finally leave this place.'' Zarah stayed silent, knowing that if she said a word her mother would only complain far more and continuously remind her how much she hated her. But even without Zarah having said a word she rolls her eyes back and there was clear annoyance on the womans face

"Can't you speak? Not even a thank you to your mother that went through all the trouble of paying for you to even change schools, and driving you here? Tsk how ungrateful. A moving truck should be here with your things since you now have somewhere to stay I don't want to see your disgusting face at my house again after this.'' She rolls her eyes before following the steps of the principal and entering the building to go and sign off on the last of the transfer papers. Zarah simply sighs and looks back at the pool before leaving the aquatics room. Of course the woman annoyed Zarah but part of her couldnt blame the woman for hating her. After all she hadn't always been like that, she used to be happy, smiley, the kindest woman one could ever meet, but things changed once they lost Hansol. From the very moment they pulled his lifeless body from the water something within her had changed, her first born, her one and only son was gone, and in her step mother's eyes it was all Zarah's doing. It was just easier to blame Zarah or her sister Riley since they weren't her real kids, fortunate for Riley she hadn't even touched the water that day, which meant all the blame would fall on Zarah.

 FEAR OF THE WATER | ATEEZWhere stories live. Discover now