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San emerged from the water with Zarah in his arms. He knew he had to let the paramedics do their thing, but he didn't want to let her go. She felt lifeless in his arms and he could only hope that he had gotten to her in time. He had never felt so much rage in his entire life and if it hadn't been for the police pulling him away once he finally let go of Zarah he would have done far worse to Changkyun than he had already. Soon enough the other guys along with Riley had arrived upon the scene while sans now bruised and busted fists were being tended to. San had told them where he was heading the moment the police had found and tracked Changkyuns phone.

"Wh-what happened, where is she, is she okay?" Riley spoke, pushing past the others to question San.

"I- I jumped in..but when I got to her she was already unconscious, I didn't want to let her go, but they had to take her to the hospital and I had to wait for all of you to let you know. My phone is done for so there was no way I could have messaged you." He finishes pulling out his now broken phone.

On the way to the hospital he explained everything. He explained from the very first thing Zarah had told him that day of the Pool accident, to everything that had happened today that caused him to jump in and save her. The guys all felt guilty, if they hadn't abandoned her, if they hadn't left her side none of this would have ever happened. Wooyoung himself felt The guiltiest, and although he knew it wasn't the right time, part of him was pissed that once again it was San to her rescue. He loved San; they've been best friends all their lives, but right now he was envious. Once again San was the one to save her, San was the one to pull her to shore. He knew he should have been happy that she was pulled to safety, but all he could think was why couldn't that be me? Why couldn't I have saved her. Why couldn't I have beat that guys ass again for touching her, hurting her. But most of all he was pissed with himself, for once again fucking up a relationship that could have been good for him. All because he couldn't admit he liked the girl and wanted to take the easy way out Zarah had suffered for months. When they arrived at the hospital the doctor had let only a few of them into the room at a time. She was saved just in time before losing life entirely, but she still hadn't woken. Riley had been a crying mess, she had already lost one sibling she couldn't lose her little sister too.

Zarahs's eyes fluttered open only to land on the pale white ceiling of her hospital room. She carefully pushed herself up and was scared to death at the sound of Sans's voice screaming as he entered the room. She smiled as she saw him enter along with her sister, yet her smile disappears once she sees the others follow. Her nerves began to build up once again and as her eyes landed on a specific someone her chest tightened.

"Zarah!" He chimed and instantly pulled her into a hug.

"Fuck I thought we lost you." He held her face before examining her, earning a giggle from the girl and a slap on his hand.

"Sannie I'm fine now move out of the way so I can see my sister." He pouts and Riley quickly pushed him aside and engulfed her into a hug. The others just stood there silently, they hadn't even known where to start.

"Zarah..we're sorry, we really are jerks for trusting Soonyoung so easily when we've known you for far longer." Hongjoong spoke up

"We just, we knew there were still things that we could have possibly not known about you and she was just very manipulative and..I guess we're just still confused about everything she said, this whole situation to us is just confusing, but when we heard you were in trouble we didn't know what to do." Jongho chimes in

Zarah sighs and sits up on the bed, as she glanced around at all of their apologetic faces, excluding Wooyoung. "It's fine, I wasn't 100% honest about what happened in my life before you guys so I get why you had doubts, but you have to understand that at the time I was not ready to reopen that chapter of my life. I didn't even want San to know, but..once he figured things out that day at the pool I broke. I think it's about time I tell you all the truth about my past." And so she told them everything she told them about the day they lost Hansol, how her step mother and school had treated her, she even told them about Soonyoung and everything that Changkyun had done to her. Hearing her story about what Changkyun had done to her in the locker room made all their blood boil , but no one was more pissed off than San and Wooyoung. Both boys wanted to rip him to shreds, to see him suffer, to them jail time was not enough.

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