Chapter 1

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-----Jo's perspective----

I'm getting in a car Anna sent for me, that will take me to the studio for our first table read.
When I got the phone call from Anna that we were filming a second movie, I was thrilled.
There's no reason I shouldn't be happy about the next film.
But when the words left Anna's mouth I could only think about one person.


Hero and I's relationship is complicated.
I would be lying if i said i didn't have feelings for him. Well use to.
Anna knew their was something going on between us when filming and during promo tour.
Almost everyone noticed the tension between us.
But we never confirmed nor denied anything.
Maybe things wouldnt have been as akward between us if we never... if we never hooked up that one night.

If I wasnt so scared of falling for him, when i already had, maybe things would have been different.

I haven't talked to him in a while, only when Anna's involved do i hear about him.
I push away my sad thoughts as the car pulls up to a stop.
This will be the first time im seeing hero in months. Anna has already had the cast get
together before today, but i wasnt feeling good so i didnt go.

I thank the driver and make my way up the elevator.
When i get off the fifth floor I see Anna and she smiles from ear to ear.
"Oh my god Jo i missed you!" she squeals as i hug her.

"I missed you too!" i say laughing.

"Im so excited to get started, have you heard from Hero?" she asks and i shake my head.

"Nope," i say and she gives me a sympathetic smile, shes the only one that knows about Hero and I.

I follow her into another room that has a long table and a bunch of seats around it.

I'm met with Roger and a bunch of familiar faces. I say hi to Inanna, Pia Mia and Khadijha.

"Miss Langford its an honor to finally meet you in person." Roger says smiling and I laugh.

"You too! I'm so excited to work with you, I love Cruel Intentions." i say and he thanks me.

He talks about his ideas for the film and I already know this film will be better than the first. Hes nothing like Jenny Gage, and in a good way.

The cast quiets down when I hear a familiar  voice.
Everyone looks and Hero walks in with Anna.
His eyes meet mine and dont look away for a good minute. His hair has gotten longer and his face looks the same. He's wearing a black t- shirt that's on the tighter side with jeans. He's definitely been working out
Chills run down my spin and I look away, back at Roger.
We chat a little more and then I sit down and start to read the script.

I know It may be rude of me to not say hi to hero, but if I being honest, I don't think i'm ready to speak to him.

Everyone starts to take their seats and I look next to me only to see Hero taking a seat.

"Hey Jo." he says and I look at him, he smiles.

"Hi, " i say looking down at the script, away from him.

"So this is how you're going to act?" he whispers to me and I snap my head at him.

"How do you expect me to act?" i ask and he doesnt respond he just looks away.

Thats what i thought.

Did he expect me to be excited to see him considering how we last left off?

"Alright everyone please can i have you're attention" Anna says and Roger blows a whistle which makes everyone laugh.

"Im so happy we are able to continue to tell Hardin and Tessa's story!" Anna says and everyone cheers.

"So I'm going to go over all the important information for certain scenes and then we'll start the table read!" she says and we listen to her talk about her thoughts for the different scenes.

Hero starts off the reading and my eyes follow the lines on the paper.
I miss his voice.

"Tessas and mine are the same." he says, ending the intro to the movie.

The reading goes on and I have a lot of lines.
Hero and I go back in forth in an argument in the script, which is apart of the Seattle scene.

"No i wasn't fucking Trevor!" i read with emotion.

"How would I know if you were or werent?!"  Hero says, anger in his voice.

"You wouldn't Hero! You're suppose to trust me!" I yell and then gasp when i realize what i said. I know some of the casts eyes are now on me instead of their scripts.

I look up at Anna and her eyes are wide, and avoid looking to my side at hero.

Roger looks at me with a calm expression, "Common mistake, go on." he says and i smile as a way of thanking him.

I continue to read and the table read lasts about three and a half hours, with commentary between each scene from Anna.

Everyones gathering their things and I put my script in my bag.

"Jo, can we talk later?" he asks and I look up at him, his green eyes meeting mine. Except they dont look at me the same way they use to.

"You didnt want to talk five months ago why do you want to talk now?" i ask and he  rolls his eyes.

"We're filming a movie together, come on."

"Fine, we'll talk later." i say and he nods, walking away.

Today is our first day in our trailers so hopefully im not close to his.
I find Anna as we head out.

"Jen already dropped your stuff off at your trailer." Anna says and I nod.
"Jo I have something to tell you." she says.

"Okay." i say nervously.

"You're trailer is attatched to Hero's." she says and i suck in a deep breath. "Im sorry."

"Its okay dont worry about it." i say reassuringly. I dont want Anna to have to worry about Hero and I's relationship, we should have never gotten involved with eachother in the first place. That was irresponsible on our part.

"You're sure you're okay with it?" she ask and I nod.

"We're going to be working together, I'm going to have to talk to him." i say and she nods.
Hero and I have a lot of more smut scenes in this movie so maybe its best we talk.

LATER ON, 7:00

I'm in my pjs highlighting important lines that im struggling to remember, when i get a knock at my door.
Fuck, its probably Hero.
I pull my hair back into a ponytail and open the door to find the person i was expecting.

"Hi, can i come in?" he asks and I nod, letting him in.
Praying that the akward tension will go away

I hope you like it so far, ik its a little boring but its going to get more interesting!!
Make sure to comment and vote if u like :)
I'll try to update this story at least twice a weak or more :)))

until next time,

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