Chapter 21

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^^^^^ Me @ this chapter :))))
Hero's perspective, A Week later

I'm waiting on set, watching Jo act out one of her scenes when i get a phone call.
I get up and walk outside to take it.


"Hello?" i say into the phone.

"hiiii, hero, so have you broken up with her?" she asks and i sigh.

"Yes." i say honestly.
I almost hate Mariam.

"Cool! so i was thinking, if you're not filming this weekend, we could get din-"

"No." i say and i hear the shock in her voice when she gasps.

"What do you mean no?"

"Mariam, i don't know how many times i got to tell you. I do not like you."

Mariam laughs, "Is it still because of her?"

"It doesn't have to do with Jo, even if i didn't have feelings for her, i wouldn't want to be with you." i say annoyed.

"I won't hesitate to post those pictures hero."

"And i won't hesitate to tell my manager, or in fact call my mom, i'm sure she'll still love you when she finds out your blackmailing me."

"Oh you wouldn't dare." she says.

"Oh i would."
"When those photos get out you'll regret ev-"

"No i won't. Because i could care less if those photos were posted. If you weren't invading Jo's privacy, i could really care less what you were going to do. I don't care who knows we dated because i actually like her. She's actually a good person. And i'm not ashamed of dating her because i enjoyed every minute of it. But Jo's privacy is important to her, so when i tell you, i will get people involved with this fucking thing you're trying to pull, i mean it." I say and there's silence on the other end.

"This isn't over." she says and the call ends.

Relief flushes over my body.
At least for now, this whole thing with her is done with.

Jo and I are still only just friends.
She still has been distant, but i'm giving her space.
I'm trying to prove to her i'm sorry.
Her mom is doing a lot better.
It looks like the treatment is working which is good.

We have only a few more weeks of filming.
Dylan Sprouse will be here next week Monday to film his scenes.

I walk back onto set and watch Jo as she finishes a few scene of hers.

She doesn't have any lines in this scene, but she shows a lot of emotion.

I'm always is awe by how good of an actress she is.

Once she finishes, everyone claps and she walks over to where Anna and I are sitting.

"Nice job." i say and Anna smiles widely, hugging her.

"Thank you." she says softly smiling.

Anna just knowingly smiles at us and then walks away.

"Want to get lunch?" i ask and Jo nods.

She follows me as we head out.

"I was thinking we could walk to the pizza joint in town." i say and she nods.

"You're oddly quiet today." i whisper and she laughs.

"Just thinking." she says.

"What are you thinking about?" i ask.

"I don't know. Its just, this all feels too...too familiar." she says and i frown.

"What do you mean?"

"Like us. Because we use to be really good friends, and then we were more than friends, and then something happens that separates us. And now we're back to, at least kinda back to, being friends. And i'm scared the cycle will repeat." she says and we're almost at the pizza place.

"Scared we'll be more than friends?"

"Scared that something will happen and i'll be heartbroken all over again." she says and my heart breaks a little hearing her.

"Jo." i say stopping on the sidewalk and she stops look at me.
"I don't want you to be heartbroken because of me again." i say and she just looks away.

"It's not the first time you've said that." she says and she's right.
God i'm such a fuck up.

"Well it's going to be the last time i say it, because i mean it." i say and she gives me a small smile.

"For now, we're friends." she says and i smirk.

She rolls her eyes playfully, "I guess you'll just never leave me alone." she says and i laugh.
She's referring to something from the movie.

"Nope..." i say and we walk into the pizza place.
Getting onto the long line that leads to the cash register.

"I think i'm kinda stuck with you." she says and she leans her head on my shoulder.

"Although we've been through a lot, i'm glad it's you i'm stuck with." she says and i smile as we move up on the line.


hiiii guys :),
sorry this chapter is kinda short,
but i think it's kinda cute.
Next chapter will be a little more interesting.
Make sure to vote and comment !
Thank you for reading and voting, 🥺 it really means a lot.
Also, idk how many of you saw my little post, but i am starting a new herophine fanfic, it's a little different, but i'm excited to write it, i'll still be writing more than costars tho :)
lots of love, M <3v

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