Chapter 20

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me this chapter ^^
The Next Day Jo's perspective

I feel like shit.
I slept until 2:00 pm, im eating lunch now and i really feel like shit.
My heart hurts and i know i must have huge bags under my eyes.

I'm trying to not think about yesterday.
I have a job to do.

By the time i finish eating, practicing lines, and take a shower, its already 7:00.
I start heading to hair and makeup.

I get into my red New Years Eve dress and sit in the hair and makeup chair.

The makeup artist comes in a looks at me with wide eyes.
I just look down.

"Jo honey, are you alright?" she asks and i nod.

"Im fine." i say and she slowly nods setting up the makeup.

"You look like you've been crying." she says and i shrug.

"Hey, whatever is it, the pain wont last forever." she says and i hope shes right.

After im done getting ready there, i start heading to the outside set.

Roger is directing the extras around the frat house and when Anna sees me she runs over.

"Hey jo, how are you feeling?" she asks and i shrug.
"Did you and hero-"

"he broke up with me." i say cutting her off and she lets her jaw drop.

"What? but why i-"

"I dont know why and right now i dont care, im just going to focus on my job." i say and she nods giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Okay, let me know if you need anything." she says walking back to talk to one of the other producers.

Hero walks on set and gives me a small smile.
The audacity he has-

"Okay guys..." Roger gives a quick summary of the scene to hero and i and then walks to behind the camera.

"Okay and ACTION!"

Hero and I act out the fighting scene like we had a few weeks ago.

Except this time we follow through with the correct lines and the instructions.

Im crying while he yells, "You act like you're so fucking innocent.."

It was so easy yet hard for me to cry.
Because im so drained from crying myself to sleep last night, that i feel like theres no tears left to cry.

But the pains still there and hearing him yell at me like he did yesterday makes me break again, when i didnt think i could.

After we finish filming the scene, two hours, later everyone claps.

"Nice job guys, go to your trailers, tomorrows a big day!" Anna says and Roger nods.
I start making my way off seat.
Its dark outside due to it being night.

"Jo wait up." the familiar voice yells.
shit, cant he just leave me alone.

"No." i say almost reaching my trailer.

"Can you just wait?!" hero yells following me.

"shut the fuck up hero." i say and i know it took him by suprise.

He grabs my arm and stops me from walking.

"Let go!" i yell pulling away and looking at him.

"please just stop walking." he says and i look at him with disbelief.

"I dont want to speak to you." i say and he closes his eyes.

"I kn-know, i know that. I just- Can we just talk?"

"How many chances am i going to give you hero, you hurt me." i say.

"Im not asking for another chance, i just want you to listen to me." he says and i slowly shake my head.

"Please." he says his eyes water.

"Why? Why do you want to speak to me if you fucking broke up with me?!" i yell, "Arent you happy you got what you fucking wanted?!" i yell and the pain is rushing back.

"No Jo i didnt get what i fucking wanted!" he says rubbing his face. "I- I didnt want to break up with you." he says and i started laughing.
In a sarcastic way and i rub my eyes.

"You have some fucking nerve."

"It's true, i didnt want to break up with you, Mariam had told me that if i didnt she would post pics of us. She also kept saying that you wouldnt like me if i told you about...some of my past and apart of me started to believe her. I wasn't going to break up with you, i was going to explain to you what she said and we'd figure everything out, but when we were arguing i thought maybe she was right maybe we shouldnt be together because you deserve better. So i just broke up with you because i felt like you'd be happier in the long run without me. But i realized that i cant lose you Jo, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me." Hero says and i just stare at him.

"No, no, no, you have no right doing this to me." i say fustrated, "You can't make me feel like complete shit and then say it was a mistake. You cant just expect me to forgive you!" i yell.

"I dont expect you to forgive me. But i want you to know that Im sorry."

"You wouldn't have said those hurtful things if you actually cared." i say and he shakes his head.
I start to turn around.

"No!" he yells and i look back at him. "Jo i had broken up with you because i thought you deserved better, that im not good enough for you. Im sorry i was siding with Mariam, i was drunk and i was dumb. I didnt mean it, i was just scared that she was right about us. Jo you dont understand, you're always on my mind. All the damn time. Seeing you happy makes me happy. Knowing i broke you, kills me. And i cant even begin to imagine life with you only being my costar." he says and i shake my head.

"Well it still fucking hurt, it really fucking hurt hero! I felt stupid, stupid for ever liking you and embarrassed for letting myself fall for you again. You still-" I yell but get cut off my him.

"But i realized I fucking love you!" he yells and then walks up to me smashing his lips to mine.
It feels like ages since hes kissed me, yet his lips still make me feel safe.

My hands push his chest, pushing him away from me.

"Stop." i yell and two tears roll down my cheek.
"I can't." i say.

"Im sorry." he says and It hits me that he told me he loves me.

"I need time." i say.

How could he love me?
We dated for only two weeks.
But i guess longer if you count the many times we stayed up all night watching movies and talking, or the walks to get ice cream.

I turn around and walk to my trailer.
He doesnt follow and i dont know where hes going since his is next to mine.
All i know is my heart is still broken and my mind is confused.
I need time to forgive him.
I need time to heal my heart.
Im not sure if it can handle another heart break.


hii guys,
sorry for taking long to update :(
Ive been super busy lately
I hope you guys liked the chapter🥺
Make sure to vote and comment :)
Thank you reading it means a lot
Overall, if you were Jo, would you forgive Hero?
- M <33

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