Chapter 17

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Jo later on in the chapter ^^ 👀👀👀
also the music hahahah -->Jo later on in the chapter 👀👀👀 hehe
Hero's perspective

"Mariam, later on we need to talk." i say and the girl literally chose the seat next to me.

I just know Jo is pissed. And i cant blame her.

"Yeah sure." she says smiling.

I look away, not smiling back.

Later on

We finish eating and I ask Mariam if I could speak to her privately.

"Sure thing Hero." She says and we get up walking to where Jo and I once stood.

"What's up?"  she says.

"Why did you lie?" I ask.

"Lie? About what?" She says and I shake my head.

"About Anna inviting you out tonight. I know you overheard her talking to Roger and that you invited yourself." I say and her expression changes.

She rolls her eyes, "it's not that big of a deal."

"I cant believe you, I think it's best if you leave." I say, "and stay away from Jo and I."

She lets her jaw drop, "so that's what this is about? because you like Jo?" She's says and looks away.

"No, it's the fact you're literally psycho." I say and shakes her head.

Tears start brimming her eyes.

"You know Hero, I'm just trying to be here for you" she says and starts crying.

"Stop crying, stop putting up this fake act of yours." I say and she gets mad.

"No fuck you hero, my father has been sick in the hospital and I thought maybe, just maybe if I came to the dinner you'd be there more for me like I have been for you. But I guess you're just a selfish asshole." She says walking away.

now i feel bad

Jo's perspective

The dinner was delicious and we had a good time except for when Mariam wouldn't shut up about Hero and her in high school. I wanted to strangle her.
We all start getting our things together when Mariam and Hero come back to the table. I know hero confronted her about what she did. Now I'm just nervous about what her response was.

"Hey guys, I'm not coming to the club tonight, I'm pretty tired." She says and phew that's a relief.

"No don't leave!" Yells Pia.


"No com'n, who know when we'll see you again." says Shane.

"Okay I guess I'll stay." She says and Hero looks like he could kill someone.


Later on

Everyone has arrived at the club and I'm mostly hanging out with Anna.
"Where's hero?" she asks and I look around to where he was standing with Shane a few minutes ago.

"Well he was with Shane a few minutes ago." i say over the loud music.

Anna orders us another sex on the beach and im definitely feeling tipsy.

"I needed this." i say and she nods.

"Same, so i was thinking afterwards-" shes about to continue on, but then stops talking.
She looks behind me.

"What?" i ask and turn around.


Heros dancing with Mariam, Sam, Pia, and Sam's girlfriend. Although, hero doesn't look too happy.

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