Chapter 16

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Later on in the chapter^^^^, Hero, Jo and Anna 👀👀💀💀
A few days later Jo's perspective

I'm making my way back from set, after finishing a scene just with me in it.
I open the door to my trailer to find hero in the same spot i left him a few hours ago.
He's sleeping in my bed, out cold.

His first day back to work is Monday.
Today's Saturday.
Mariam has come once to the trailer to see him, and let's just say that didn't go to well.
Well for hero and I.
We don't talk about Mariam because that always starts a fight between us.
Mariam stayed for an hour and it was the most awkward thing ever.

And tomorrow, due to Anna being Anna, we'll be going out to eat with the cast and her, and then clubbing.

I walk over and lay down next to Hero.
He was up all night stressed about his lines and i was helping him.
Im exhausted.
I get under the covers next to him and am about to fall asleep, when his arm wraps around me, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you Jo." he says and then snores and I stop breathing.
I dont move.
Did he just say he loves me?
But we've only been dating for less than a month.
Hes sleeping though.
He couldnt have actually meant that right.
I dont know if love him yet.
Like of course i love him, but if i LOVE him LOVE him, thats a big deal.
That means im in love with him, that means that my heart is his and he can break it at any moment.

I try not to think about it, he probably was just having a dream.

"No jo, i love you, like..." he mumbles words and I think i may die on the spot.
I guess im never awake long enough to hear him sleep talk.

"Please, baby dont leave me!" he mumbles hugging me tighter. I hold his hand thats wrapped around my arm.
God why did he have to say i love you when he was sleeping.

He doesnt mumble much after that, and my eyelids feel to heavy to stay open.
And im fast asleep before i know it.


"Did Anna not learn from the last club experience? We have work tomorrow and I..." Hero goes on complaining as i slide on my dress.

It's a cute dress, that isn't tight but hugs my body.
"Yeah but we have work late tomorrow." i say checking myself out in the mirror.

Hero starts to talk but then stops.

"Wow you look...amazing." he says eyeing me up and down.

"Well i'm pretty sure you're dick is still healing, so calm down." i say laughing.

Hero rolls his eyes while sliding his white shirt on.

"I'm pretty sure tomorrow i'm finally allowed to have sex with you, today's the last day of resting." Hero says doing finger quotations when saying resting.

"So if we get home after 12:00." he says walking up to me as i pull my hair back.

"We can read some lines." he whispers in my ear.
His breath on my neck sends chills down my spine.

I clear my throat.

"Yeah." i say and he kisses my shoulder.

god, the power he has over my body.
He walks away to my bathroom and im left dumbfounded.
I slide on my heals.

A few moments later Anna's knocking on our door, i mean my door.
Heros been staying at my trailer so much ive been saying our a lot.
But i cant help that i sleep better when hes with me, holding me.
I still cant get over the fact that he told me he love me in his sleep.
I keep reminding myself that he was sleeping and he probably didnt mean it.

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