Chapter 2

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Hero walks into my trailer and my heart is beating faster than ever.

He sits down on the couch and I lean against the table across from it.

"So." i say and he runs a hand through is hair.

"Can we not be so awkard around eachother Jo? We're going to have to be working together for the next month and a half?"

"Hero its not that simple, you left me in the middle of the night. You never called nor texted and then when i saw you said it was a mistake?!" i say and everything I've been holding back is leaving my lips.

"Because it was a mistake!" Hero yells standing up.
Tears brim my eyes.

"Fuck you hero!" i say throwing my hands in their air.

He paces and rubs his hands on his face.

"Jo, we cant be together, we're filming a movie and if we break up then it would make things awkward for Anna-"

"You already made things awkward for Anna." I say cutting him off.

He laughs in a mean way, "Yeah I'm the one who's made things awkward, Jo you wouldn't even talk to me for months."

"Well what i suppose to do, thank you for fucking me and then leaving! oh wait you do that with almost every girl because you're scared. You're scared Hero. Scared of rejection, scared that it wouldn't work out." i say and he doesnt look at me. There's a defining silence.

"For fucks sake, you could have told me in the morning that you didn't want to be with me, but don't leave and ignore me and make me
feel like I'm the one that did something wrong." I say and start to put on my shoes.

"Where are going?" Hero asks.

"For a walk." i say grabbing my purse.

I start to get up when Hero walks toward me.

"Jo don't leave." he says, his eyes meeting mine. And my heart beats faster every second of eye contact.

"I didn't want to tell you that I didn't want to be with you....because then i'd be lying." he says and I don't know what to say. He lowers his head.

"What are you saying?" i ask and he looks up at me.

"That I did have feelings for you, and you're right i was scared and i shouldn't have ignored you, but i did." he says, "I'm sorry." he says.
"Can we please just move on from where we last left off and do our jobs?" he asks

Our Jobs.
I nod, "That's always been the plan." i say, "Just to do our jobs."

Hero's expression saddens.
"I'll see you tomorrow." he says walking away and I don't move as he leaves my trailer.

We use to be so close.
Always joking around and laughing.
I do miss him.
But i miss the old him.
And now we're going to have to act as if we're in love with each other for the sake of the film.

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