Cat's outta the bag

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(Virgil's POV)

I sigh silently as i listen from the living room. Roman and dad are talking in the kitchen about Logan and the.. others. Unfortunately my headphones aren't working, and i'm forced to overhear. Since i'm supposedly in this conversation as well.

"What the hell is going on with them?! First Logan is avoiding us, then he's hiding a huge bruise on his cheek.. Then Remus AND Janus storm in here when Logan is passing out?! They took him! God knows what they must be doing to him!" Roman rambled, pacing the kitchen as he threw his arms in the air to enthuse his point.

"We have to go get him.. but the gateways are blocked." Patton says, rather serious, worry in his tone.

"We'd have to travel the imagination.. i don't wanna go through my brother's part of that.." Roman groaned, whining as he slumped down. "It'll be disgusting.." He sighed.

"I'm sure he's fine, guys. They seemed worried.." I spoke up, mumbling a bit. "Virgil are you REALLY gonna take THEIR side on this?!" Roman snaps. "Y'know what, knowing you, you're probably in contact with them, and this is some dumb plan." Roman grumbled.

My chest tightens as i feel a panic coming on, fingers clenching into fists inside my hoodie pocket. Luckily my expression was hid since we weren't facing each other.

"Roman, don't go after Virgil on this. He's trying to be enthusiastic about it and assure us." Patton butts in, waving roman off with his sweet tone. Making me relax in my spot.

"Enthusiastic? Virgil? Padre, c'mon! He's anxiety!" Roman hissed. "Don't speak about me. Just say it straight to my face, princey." I growl defensively. Truth was, i had been talking to Janus. Despite not wanting to very much. It was because i worried for Logan, admittedly.

From what Janus told me, Logan was sick from something. From what? We haven't found out yet, their looking it up right now. I just hope it's not toxic.. even if we can't really die, it would still be hell to experience something like that.

The three of us continue bickering. Well, more like me and roman bickering and Patton trying to stop us. Until princey reaches over my shoulder and snatches my phone out of my hand, which was on the page for messaging Janus.

"I knew it." Roman hisses.

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