A unsatisfying end

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(Logan's POV)

I was resting meekly and tiredly against Janus, emotions were.. exhausting, to say the least. But i jerked to my feet when i heard low coughs, Janus sitting up from his almost asleep status. 

We rushed to the kitchen to find remus shakily sitting on the counter, trying to force down a glass of water. I could hear him yelling faintly from here, somehow. 

Although remus being remus, we'd thought it was nothing.

Janus rushed over to Remus' side and wrapped a arm around him gently. "Hey, hey. Just give it a minute, and calm down. Deep breaths." He told our wild boyfriend. 

Remus moving the glass away from his lips, coughing fit dying down a few minutes later. To which he quickly chugged down the entire glass of water.

"Jeez, i know you're loud, but did you really have to go tryin loose your voice?" Janus groaned. 


"Roman pulled his sword out.." It was barely a whisper, Before remus choked out a dry sob. "I didn't do anything.." He murmured into Janus' chest. 

"If their gonna keep causing you three trouble," We turned to look at remy, who was drinking some of his starbucks drink. God knows what it was. "You shouldn't keep interacting besides meetings." Remy advised thoughtfully, glasses down his nose a bit so we could just see his eyes.

"That..Would be the best.." Virgil added from behind the other coffee addict, "..For all of us." He added. We all were silent for a few moments, before i sighed. 

"That's what i had originally planned." I concluded, then turned to my wincing boyfriend, remus, "You had good intentions.. but.." I glance away,

"It's not so simple, anymore."

Ever since then,  everybody has been.. separated.

Remus, Janus, Virgil and i have been staying here. Only to be around the others when summoned or there was a meeting. Even then, we put our fake smiles on. Well, the few of us. 

Roman and Virgil have been especially  at each other's throats during these meetings. To the point we'd have to keep virgil there, or have remus replace roman for a bit. 

Which we knew patton hated, but it had to be done. Nobody had told thomas, not that he'd asked, though. He knew we all had our own personal lives, and didn't dare to ask about the not so subtle tension.

He couldn't even say it was just between the dark sides and light sides.

Hah, he didn't even know about me transferring yet. How amusing. 

But, we were thankful. 

As roman and virgil are always quite nasty to one another, as roman is to Janus as well, Most of the other's believed they were still golden with our little secrets. 

But in reality, we, the dark sides, really know what happened. Roman is childish and refuses to believe anybody but his bestfriend

Usually i'd feel bad..

Oh wait, no i wouldn't.

Usually, by roman and patton's standards, i'm logic. Emotionless and useless to Thomas' personal feelings. 

It's not my fault.

But i accepted it. 

So here we are, in a meeting months later. The tensions had rather cooled off, although patton and roman failed to apologize, i was satisfied with being with the people i could call my family.

My  family.

(I apologize if this wasn't the best ending, I've lost my interest in this story. But i appreciate the support on my first book, thank you.) 

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