Prologue - The Girl in her Bath suit Robe (World)

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"So salty.. !"


That's what Averithe's mind voice said as she watched the boring, quite fun adventurous movie her mother rented. Called the river sail tomorrow.

Which she thought was derived from the movie Croods, the butterflies in Eep's stomach rings in her head. As she watched the woman middle aged brunette, brown hair swallowed up by the river she- which she thought was probably salty- failed on the raft of a boat, which was rusted, brown and probably smelled corroded and wasted, she thought, but failed as her hands slipped, fell, splashed on the river water, sinked in the water and she drowned.


She turned off the tv. Stayed frozen as her plain-straighted face never moved from the tv. Stayed for a couple of seconds before her nose holes flared in disagreement, disappointment, and a tragedy to mock the woman who recommended and sold her mother off these rentaled movies.

She banged the remote on the couch. Which would be probably a bad idea as the plastic black item flailed across the air after it bounced against the brown leather and crashed into the ground. Like an atom.

She refused to take it. Got up and left the sofa, turned her back on it until her small, stupid and devious small brain of hers decided to remind her that good deeds are godly and the kindiest thing. To heck with it. You little shit. She almost muttered.

Turned around and grabbed the little worm with her right hand, never-so-ending not changing the bored, straight face she got on her face. The nose holes following along. At the same time, her phone rang, ringing the theme song of never enough. Which probably her mother set up secretly while she went to the toilet, whilst her mother bawled her eyes out, sobbed her nose snot out meanwhile blowing into something she wished in her head wasn't her cotton shirt, and leaving at the most boring melodious scene, which made take the shortest but longest pee in her entire life.

Or so she thought. Until her mother took her out into some cheap burger diner after the movie only to find a fly beneatheen the fries.

Beneatheen. Yes, a word she created. Beneath and between the fries, which not exactly below. To come back to the statement, a green fly.

Her mind froze as her phone kept ringing, regretting the fact that she wasn't stupid enough to change the ringtone to an original bell the phone came up with. Or smart enough to search on the internet for. Which she was too lazy to do.

"So. What up." She said, not ending like a question but more like a hurry-up statement.

"You'll never believe what I just saw in the magazines. A dress with frills imported from Spain and Europe sold off in this.. particular mall, 60* off."

"So what." She almost wanted to chew her friend like a chew toy and make her talk faster so she can plop on her bed and enjoy peace.

"You must come. It's a one limited time offer and they're ending it on Friday. Which is not far from here so you could just go to my house and we'll take it from there. Oops." She whispered at the end.

"Oops what." I spoke through the holes on my phone.

"Nothing." She turned off the phone line.

Which she ended up texting to meet her at the mall itself ASAP. Called the Groutine Malled. Weird. She thought. Mall shouldn't end with an ed'. What kind of a mall is that. Which she never heard of and sounded weird, but she followed along since it was winter and they just finished college. Taking their winter break and it is might probably be a good option for someone who doesn't go out much and for someone a girl as her who likes to stay home, read books- which she just skins through and laying her body down on a fuzzy, cotton mattress which is almost yellow.

The word brought up fries inside her head again and she strictly avoid french fries from that thought.

The scene of Eep's father Aargh and wanting to throw a rock at guy suddenly came into her head, which made the urge for her to wanting to watch the movie again.

Rewatch. She quickly said, as she walked and typed on her smart keyboard to search for the movie and watch it again. Which made it the best favorite movie of her entire life.

Until she landed on the mall on friday and ruined her evening.

Relieved your day? Go and read another chapter up too until chapter 6- a guarantee to relief your day with a relief cup of coffee :)
So meanwhile my chapters are mixed up by Wattpad, so it would be great if you would read it in order of which it was published. Thank you :')

If she were probably in Vocaloid world..


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