-2- She is Faithful

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Proverbs 31:11-12

"Her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor.

As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm."

Mary worked tirelessly for her family. She was also very dedicated to church activities. Her friends referred to her as a workaholic. She headed the marketing unit in a bank like her husband. He leaves the house earlier and leaves her to supervise the preparation of the children for school as he instructed.

Mary had maids but she still help out with house chores and cook sometimes herself to avoid her husband's nagging.

After very long and stressful meetings she sat in her office listening to the word of faith women, from YouTube. All she could think about was the leave coming next month. She planned to take her family to Yankari Resort in Bauchi state. Flapping through her dairy she stumbled upon important data.

"Today is my anniversary?"

She quickly called her friends at conferences for suggestions.

"May, every year you spoil that man for an anniversary gift. Let him surprise you for once!" Catherine complained rolling her eyes.

"C'mon, he is her husband! She can do whatever she wants with him, Kate."

Faith said.

"Guys, guys stop fighting and help me out it's late already."

"Okay, even if you are against it I will still suggest that you allow him do the thinking this year and just wrap him a gift. If he fails, there will be a next year right?" Catherine suggested.

"May, let's hear from you too. I'm sure you have thought of something." Faith said adjusting her blouse.

Mary took a very deep breath and looked at her childhood friends.

"To be honest guys, I have not thought of anything. The truth is that I forgot about it."

She signed and saw her husband's call coming in.

"Okay ladies, I have to go now his call is coming in."

"Alright tell us all about it tomorrow okay." Faith said and Catherine blew her a kiss.

She let out hot air from her mouth and picked the call.

"Hello baby"

"I'm okay, thank God."

"Yes, in twenty, thirty minutes I should be done."

"Alright. Love you."

She looked at the phone screen for a moment and put it down gently wandering.

Ten whole years lord! I have been married for ten years to the love of my life. I have to give way for him to do it this year. Kate is right, I have been the one planning for it each year.

Her thoughts were cut short when her assistant opened the office door. Mary quickly fixed her gaze on the lady and noticed her hairdo and asked.

"Mimi, what is the name of your hairstyle?"

The shocked lady looked confused and stammered. Touching her hair with a smile.

"Ma ma ma, it's ahmmm...."

"Oh c'mon, don't be like that. It's beautiful."

She cuts in with a wave. Standing up to fix her makeup before her husband will barge in.

"Tidy up the place its Friday, I don't want the office in a mess for Monday's work if God keeps us."

"Of course God will keep us, ma'am. Why do you always say that?"

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