-3- She never gives up

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Faith had dreams of having a complete family with four children. But her husband detested children and made it clear to her never to get pregnant.

Each time she mingled with her friends at the coffee shop or their houses, she admired their children so much but never showed it.

She had experienced series of miscarriages mostly coursed by her husband who wanted her the way he met her. He said pregnant women disgust him and that she will look ugly if she became one.

Before her friends, she made it appeared as if she was barren. They have advised her to visit many doctors and get help. But Faith claimed they were doing their best to have children. Only grandma Florence knew her predicament.

She locked herself up in the toilet staring at the test strip.

Dear Lord, if you are there please help me save this child. I really need a child...


Her husband banged on the toilet door and the test strip dropped.


"What is going on there? I need to eat."

"Sorry hubby, I will be out soon."

She picked the strip and slid it in her back pocket, washed her face, and sighed.

You can do this!

She told herself as she looked in the mirror. Faith dried her face and walked out of the bathroom. She prepared pap and set it in a tray with bread. Her heart was racing in fear. Her husband seemed busy with his headphone he might not pay attention to her.

She set the cup of pap and added sugar to it. She observed him staring at her and she became nervous.


He said raising his eyebrows.

"What's up wife?"

She smiled and picked up a slice of bread to butter it.

"Sit with me"

He pulled her gently to join him at the table. Faith lost her balance and sat on his lap instead.

"Ohhhhh, I s...see, you want more right?"

She smiled and bit her down lip and suddenly he felt something hard from her back pocket.

He raised her and brought it out before she could say anything.


She covered her mouth and cried. Seeing his reactions, Faith took some steps back in fear of him pounding on her like he always do.

"Fuck you bitch!"

He swept the tray off the table and paced the room molding his fist. Faith could only whimper like a child afraid of spanking.

"What's wrong with you Fae? Look at us! We could barely eat a decent meal! Our rent was due since last year. All you do is sit here and do nothing all day."

He stopped pacing and cupped her face. She saw his red eyes and shut hers. He grabbed her both hands and dragged her to the bedroom and forced himself on her like he always does to cause her miscarriage. Faith screamed like a virgin being raped. He purposely lasted longer turning her to all sorts of positions. She got tired of screaming and whimpered till he finished.

He took his bath and lit a cigarette. Blowing the smoke in the air took his mind back to the mischief he did inside. He told Faith five years ago that he wasn't ready to start a family but she kept pushing it. She promised to comply with all his conditions and now she is breaking one of them.

Faith was desperate to marry him when the rest of her friends left her in spinsterhood. All she wanted was to prove to her friends that she can have a family too. She humiliated herself by sleeping with strange men just to raise money for her wedding. The same thing she did to complete her studies in a private school where she met her friends. Faith never wanted anyone to look down on her and hated labour.

Her mother was a single parent who never introduced her to her father. Faith's mother never bothered her about education or morals. She told her that everyone should fend for themselves as everyone will give an account of their lives on the last day to their creator. That was all she told her and left her to make her own decisions.

Faith managed and took her bath. She cried her eyes out in the shower, wore a bombshot and a singlet. She thought of only one help, grandma Florence.

She blew her nose and squeezed the paper towel before tossing it on the floor and continued with the conversation.

"Grandma Flor, I love him..."

She said and pressed the phone on her right ear and her left hand on her temple.

"I don't.. Know ooo? I really want to keep my baby."

"Okay ma"

"Thank you so much, grandma"

She stared at the phone for a while before dropping it on the dresser.

Her husband walked in shortly with his face downcast. He managed to sit beside her, caressing her. She cried loudly.

"Sorry wife..."

Faith gathered momentum and cried more.

He held her tight and kissed every tear rolling down cheeks.

"Don't let me do that again, please. I didn't know what came over me."

" you don't just love me... I know you think that I'm bad luck..." Faith said crying still.

"Oh please, not with that again!" He stood up angrily.

She hugged the pillow in fright. He realized it and combed his hands in his braids.

After exhaling, he returned to her side and hold her hands gently. Robbing her hands he smiled and she smiled back. He whispered something in ears and she blushed.

"Okay love, are we okay now?" He winked and bit his lower lip. Faith forgot every pain and torture she went through hours before. She put her hands around his shoulders and studied him seriously.

"Please babe, don't hurt me again..."

He covered her with tender kisses leaving her speechless.

The couple made up, ate out, and spent the day together.


Waking up that Saturday morning gave Faith some joy. She sang and hummed preparing to go to the coffee shop for a chat with her friends. All she was happy about was the promises her husband made to her. He put all his plans on the table for her to see.

He will save up for their home and proceed with his plans of leaving the country in search of greener pastures. The fact that she can brag about this with her friends made her happier to prepare for the coffee shop.

Humm, what can I wear to show that Catherine that she can't keep showing off her husband's wealth all the time.

Faith did her best to fix her braided wig. She ironed her Ankara balloon gown and her only black wedge she's been paying for a year.

Her husband zipped her gown and kissed her neck.

"Please, you girls should have mercy on us in your conversations today, will you?"

She smiled and turned to face him.

"We don't really talk about you guys much. Just our joyous moments!"

He shook his head and handed her, her black purse.

"Have fun and don't fight with Kate today."

"She better behave herself, or she will get it from me!" Faith said closing the door behind herself.

Faith kept admiring herself as she drove to the coffee shop which was just some blocks away from her estate. She couldn't wait to see the face of Kate when she tells her about their plans to relocate to Lekki.


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