chapter 01.

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"Baby, you're the end of June."


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Waking up to the sound of the alarm, I knew a new day's going to start for me. The summer break is over and classes are now resumed. I fixed my uniform before staring myself at the mirror.

"K-Kuroo, please..." I suddenly grabbed his hair as he gripped on my wrists, riding me better.

"Louder," he roared under his breath. "Moan my name loude-"

I shook my head. What the hell?!

Grabbing my backpack, I head downstairs to eat my breakfast. That's when my brother, Kenma, came out from his bedroom with his cellphone on his hands. He looked like he just woke up even though he already took his bath. I bet he stayed up too late again for his video games.

"Why are you wearing your jacket?"

I asked him before eating a spoonful of cereals. It was unusual to see him on that attire, well, except when it's Friday for our Physical Education activities.




My eyebrow shot up. So the games were about to start? I haven't heard of it. I was a member of the girls' team but I resigned. Joining a club is so stressful, especially when you're always going to see that specific person you're avoiding. So I quit.

Well, as if I care anymore though.

"And Kuroo's asking me to find a manager. I recommended you."

I choked on the food I'm eating, slightly punching my chest, that's why my mother immediately rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water for me as I accepted it eagerly. I think I coughed a hundred times before I breathed normally again. Kenma mindlessly stood up from his seat, caressing my back to help me catch some air.

Oh God, I thought I was going to die!

"Y-You did what?!" I questioned Kenma as he slumped back on his seat. On my behalf, my hand is still placed on my chest. Dude, it hurts!

"I recommended you to be the team's manager. You used to play the sport so I guess," he stopped for a while to take a bite on his waffle.

"I guess you fit for the spot."

I stared at him unbelievably. He just did a crime! My mind's so slow to process all the words he said that's why it was a good two minutes before I get back on eating my cereals. I don't know what to answer, I can't find my voice. That specific name of his captain just kept ranging on my ears, making my heartache.

Kuroo Tetsurou.

The man I didn't expect to fall in love with.

He's a sociable person, good at academics, famous and a real damn topic when it comes to sports, specifically volleyball. He's the team captain of his volleyball group and I heard his position is a blocker. A close friend of my brother too, I might say. He got his on fandom at school and girls are really lining up in front of him during Valentines, or sometimes at the gym just to watch him play. Or at least touch the wet towel he used.

We are classmates. Yes, unfortunately.

That's why it was easy to watch all of his movements: the way he recites, the way he answers questions, the way he talked to me when it comes to assignments and group activities, it was later on mesmerizing. When we started to hook up, I don't know if that is the right term but let it be, it was just a game though, that's why I played it very well. Girls are really envious of me because they thought I am his girlfriend.

Until summer came.

Our class decided to go on a trip. On a beach as the venue.

And that's when I made a very big mistake.

I, let's just put it in this way. I gave my everything to him. No hesitation, no more buts. It was our little dirty secret.

That night. On that summer evening.

That's when I realized I fell for him, for Kuroo Tetsurou, so I grabbed the chance to admit everything to him. I thought he was feeling the same thing towards me...

...but I was wrong.

When that session ended, I made my decision to tell him everything I feel. But he just pushed me away. He laughed at it, he thought I was crazy. He said he explained it from the start, that it was just a game and it is nothing serious. I really contemplated that he was just fooling around at that time but he threw me a very serious look and I knew it was an end game for me.

For us.

For us? Oh right, there was nothing like that.

"Earth to Y/N?"

I blinked twice. "Oh yeah, right. Come again?"

"The assignment, pass it on me."

I shyly smiled at my best friend, B/F/N, before grabbing my Physics notebook from my bag. When I was about to give it to her, the classroom's door blasted open, revealing an aristocratic air radiated from none other than Kuroo and his other volleyball teammates. He greeted my brother, which is sitting two rows away from me, by a fist bump before accidentally looked in my position.

I gritted my teeth.

Kuroo narrowed his eyes before smirking at me, winking afterward. It made my blood boil.


I wanted to wipe out that playful and mischievous smile off his face.


Just look how much my fist wanted to land on his face! I want to hurt him the way he did to me. Maybe, much worse! Much painful!

"Y/N, your notebook!"

I brought my senses back, looking at my best friend.

"I-I am sorry," I stuttered before looking at my belonging. It was already crumpled. I was thinking too much about Kuroo and I mindlessly gripped on my notebook very tight.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" B/F/N asked, sitting beside me.

I nodded as a response, looking at the view outside the window. There are some students playing at the baseball field, some are eating their breakfast, some are running just to beat the clock and enter their room before it's late.

"Let's grab some ice cream later, you go?"


Perhaps, I need to cool down first.

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