chapter 03.

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"I want more berries and that summer feeling."


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Kenma asked me about everything that happened yesterday. He said I was really acting very weird and my friend, was forced to go home with Lev accompanying her. I deeply sighed when I heard that part, I really have to apologize to her. At least, I will buy her lunch for today.

My brother also questioned if there is something bothering me. About school kinds of stuff, family or friend stuffs, or about Kuroo. I declined to answer all those inquiries. Like what I mentioned before, that thing is our little dirty secret. I cannot bear to tell anyone, even B/F/N. I don't know why, maybe I just feel that once they knew about it, they will disgust me, judge me.

And I don't want that to happen.

Sitting on my bed, I put my hand on my head. I'm thinking too much about those kinds of stuff, it's getting bad for my health. After all, I want to start my day right today. No failures. No bad luck.

Speaking of it.

I grabbed my phone before checking the time.

"Holy shit, I'm late!" I hurriedly jumped out of my bed before looking for my towel, immediately running towards my bathroom. What the hell?! It's just five minutes before my class starts!

I remembered I stayed up too late last night to finish my My Hero Academia series. I gritted my teeth. Now, I'm running late. It's Tuesday today and my first-period professor is a terror teacher. How ironic, I just told myself that I want to start my day right, without failures and bad lucks.

What the hell is my brother doing? At least mind waking me up! Even my parents forgot to tell me that I got my classes today! Am I really their daughter?!

Combing my hair using my fingers, I hurried downstairs to grab any bread on the table. Good thing, my mother left me some crackers on the table. There's a meal but if I indulged myself in eating it, I will not make it on time. That's when I realized it's rush hour at this point. The trains are jam-packed and if I take the bus, I'll take too much time to fall in line.

No, no, no!

What am I going to do?! I bit on my thumb.

Damn you, Kenma! You should've woken me up!

"The car!" That's right! My father's car! I searched for the keys on the nearby cabinet of my father and fortunately, he commuted this morning that's why the keys and the car are here on the house.

I jumped inside the drivers' seat before turning the engine on.

I didn't have my license. Fucking shit.

For the nth time, I bit my lip again because of irritation. What the hell?! I grunted. Well, I don't care anymore. I will just make sure to drive properly and safely so in that case, I won't get caught. Mr. Akashi will surely kill me. I'm twenty minutes late, for Pete's sake!

I smoothly drove the vehicle and I safely arrived at the school premises. Thank God. When I properly parked my father's car, I ran towards my classroom and even if I'm still on the other side of the door, I can hear my professor starting his lecture about excess and limiting reagents. The whole class was also quiet.

I closed my eyes and called all the saints I can call to protect me.

"Lord, I hope this isn't my last day yet." I touched the doorknob and slowly opened it.

"G-Goodmorning-" was all I can say yet the man standing with books on his hands interrupted me immediately.

"Why the hell are you late, Ms. L/N?" Okay, that was rude. "Care to explain?"

I looked around, only to see Kenma secretly playing with his cellphone. If stares can kill, he's already dead! I sheepishly smiled at my teacher but things like this won't get to him. He's still mad at me.

"You know how I hate lazy students," he commented.

"I-I'm sorry, Mr. Akashi. I woke up late because-"

"You stayed up late last night?"

I nodded, fingers fidgeting while looking at the floor.

"That wasn't an excuse! Stay outside!"

Oh, man. "Geez, kids these days are really needed to be disciplined."

Those were his last words before I walked outside the room. That's when I realized a familiar figure is staring back at me, hands both stuffed inside his pockets while leaning on the wall.

"Why are you here?!"

"Ah," Kuroo acted as if he was thinking. "Because I'm late too?"

"Stop messing with me," I said before fishing out my Chemistry textbook from my bag, sitting on the cold floor. I guess I just have to self-study. But how the hell can I focus when this man beside me keeps on bugging me?!

"Can you shut up?" I exclaimed at him but he just laughed at my reaction.

"I was just asking you if you need help with the lesson. It's obvious that you're having a hard time and I'm just lending a helping hand."

"Sorry, but I decline." I disgustingly looked at him. He's still a playboy. "Mind your own business."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, if that's what you say."

= = = = =

This day is really tiring. Who would've thought that right after sembreak, a teacher will give us a project? And a group activity! I was assigned to be the leader of Group 3 and I was tasked to search for my own group mates. I immediately grabbed Kenma and B/F/N by their collars so meaning, I only need two more persons. Well, that's just easy. I could ask Atsushi and Aomine.

I also apologized to my best friend for my sudden outburst yesterday and she said it was fine. Good thing, she didn't bother asking any more questions about it. Since my brother is on his practice again and B/F/N had tasks to finish with Mrs. Ching, our Calculus teacher so I am going home alone today.

I slumped on the drivers' seat, starting the engine afterward. I was driving very carefully and smoothly until one man appeared in front of me! Oh my God! I admit that it was getting dark and the vehicle's headlights aren't that bright.

Jesus Christ!

I immediately stepped on the brake. My heart is beating so damn fast...I almost hit the man!

Climbing out of the car, I checked the person who is currently sitting on the road. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, I thought he was dead! I clutched down to check for any injuries and thank God, he's not bleeding. I looked up before releasing a sigh of relief.

"I-I'm really sorry! I really didn't mean it, believe me! The road was kinda dark and I didn't saw you crossing the street. I'm so sorry!" I kept on apologizing.

The man stood up, patting the back portion of his pants because of some dirt, and I almost lost my mind when I saw his face.


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