chapter 09.

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Author's Note:

We having Paramore's The Only Exception for this part! It's on the media above for more feels. Happy reading!

"You are the only exception."


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My remaining days are getting smoother, the one I didn't expect. I explained my personal issue regarding my departure to the whole Nekoma Team and much to my surprise, they accepted it without further questions. They understood my situation, that sometimes I have to set aside things for my own dreams. Everyone cheered on me, wishing me all the best.

Kuroo, on the other hand, is making the best out of my last two weeks with him.

He took me out on dates on malls or sometimes, parks, and made sure to always stay by my side. One time, right after we arrived home from the beach, I got sick. I told him about it and I was just expecting that he'll me give encouraging words but instead, he barged into the house, introduced himself as my official boyfriend, leaving everyone speechless. Even Kenma.

He became my personal nurse though.

Kuroo was surprisingly a sugar daddy. He never left my side and he bought me all the foods that I wanted to eat.

"Do you want to watch a movie after classes?"

I watched him as he took a bite on his onigiri, smiling cheekily afterward. We're currently here in the cafeteria, spending our recess time together.

I shook my head. "We have practice, Kuroo."

"But we can cancel-"

I looked at him with a dead stare as he scratched the back of his head. It's just roughly five days before their first game and there's no time to slack off. Even though I'll be not on their side to cheer them, of course, I don't want them to mess up that's why no more dates from now on.

"Kuroo, no." I finished my yogurt. "We got to practice later, okay?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. But under one condition."

I hummed. "What is it?"

"Let me accompany you home."


= = = = =

"Cool down, cool down!" I stood up from my seat, giving the members their respective water bottles and towels. The coach clapped his hands, giving his comments to the previous practice games as I added my suggestions.

"Kenma," I called. "Try sending higher tosses for Yamamoto, okay? I can sense that he's having a hard time getting lower ones."

He silently nodded. "O-Okay."

"And Lev, your spikes."

The tall, white-haired boy flashed a cheeky smile before nodding like a baby, doing thumbs up too. "I'll work with it!"

"Higher tosses suit you better since you're tall and can jump high. Try practicing with my brother again tomorrow, okay?"

"Roger that!"

As I was about to drink my water, the door of the locker room suddenly busted open, only to see Kuroo without his top jersey on, sweat dripping from his to his toned abs, making me blush like a fully ripped tomato. I choked on my own water as I punched my chest softly again, my brother helping me breathe once more.

"Where the hell is my uniform?!" It was Kuroo, shouting while eyeing each one of us.

Damn you, jerk!

"O-Oi, what's happening, Y/N? Are you okay?"

He quickly rushed to my side, making my eyes got wider as it landed onto his toned chest. I smacked him very hard on the shoulder, trying to breathe normally again.

"What was that for?"

"Put some shirt on, jerk!"

When he finally noticed the blush on my face and my uneasiness, he let out a heartily chuckle before smirking at me.

"Look at you, checking me out secretly."

Everyone, even the coach, laughed while looking at me as Lev threw Kuroo's uniform to him. I'm not checking him out! It's not my fault that I saw him walking out of the locker room without any shirt on! I-I mean, yes, this is such a blessing for my eyes too, but, I didn't mean to look at those biceps and abs! Please, believe me.

I clenched my fists before giving Kuroo another smack on the shoulder.


= = = = =

"Touchdown," I finally said when we arrived in front of my house. Kenma excused himself, telling that he's going inside, leaving me and Kuroo alone at the gate.

I looked at Kuroo. He's not smiling and it seems like he's thinking deeply about something.

"Hey," I cooed. "You okay?"

"I-It's just five days before you-"

"Don't think about that, Kuroo." I interrupted his words, smiling afterward. I really don't want him to think about my departure. It'll just make him sad and worried about me and at the same time, I don't want him stressed.

"Just focus on the game."

"I'm afraid we might not meet again, Y/N." His face is painted with sadness, making my heartache.

"I don't want that to happen."

Dear Lord, I don't want to cry.

I hushed him. "We'll be fine, okay? I always call you every night, every day, and won't forget to send you morning messages. I'll definitely come home and I'll make sure that our paths will cross again, remember that."

Tears suddenly flowed out from his eyes before giving me a very tight hug, burying his face on the crook of my neck. I patted his back, whispering sweet words to calm him down. Even though he looks so strong and matured, he's still a big baby.

"I love you so much, Y/N." He whispered back. "I will miss you so fucking much."

I've got a tight grip on reality but I can't let go of what's in front of me here...

I'm trying my best to fight the urge of crying, kissing the side of Kuroo's head very lovingly for good thirty seconds.

"Hush now, darling. I love you too. I love you so much, Kuroo."

"Y-You'll come back for me, you promised that. You fucking promised me that."

"And you said you'll wait for me, you promised me that too."

I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up. Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

"I will keep my words, Y/N. I love you so damn much, forever."

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