chapter 07.

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"I'm not even half, as pretty..."


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Weekend came.

I packed my bags, bidding goodbye to my parents as I dragged Kenma on the hoodie of his jacket. Our mom gave us ride snacks and even prepared lunch for the whole team.

Honestly speaking, I really don't know what to feel. Should I be excited or happy? Or mad? Disappointed? I don't know. We're going to a beach again, with Kuroo. As much as I hated to admit it, memories about the past flooded back into my mind last night like everything just happened yesterday. The wound itself is still fresh.

I shook my head, hiding my phone inside my bag, now paying my attention to my brother.

"For Pete's sake, can you stop playing for a while?"

I whined at Kenma, watching him play his video game on the cellphone. He might trip on his own foot, you know? I will just laugh at him when it happens. He shrugged his shoulders before quitting the game, stuffing his hands on the pockets of his jacket afterward and silently walked beside me.

The group and I decided to meet at the train station at exactly 9 in the morning and looking at my wristwatch, it's just 30 minutes before the said time. When we arrived at the station, everyone was already waiting for us. I guess they're excited too! Some of the members brought coolers and inflatable vests, totally ready for swimming.

"I bought our tickets," Kuroo explained. "Let's go?"


Lev cheered like a big baby, raising both of his hands into the air, followed by Yamamoto and Yaku. Kenma and I followed them silently as I noticed Kuroo walking in front of me, hands hidden inside his pants' pockets. I felt my heart ached a bit, making it harder for me to breathe for a moment.

His top, his pants, the shoes he's wearing...

...that's the exact outfit he wore on that day.

= = = = =

"We finally arrived!" I exclaimed, putting my bags down. I looked around as the cold breeze hit my face, making me close my eyes. It's calming my nerves down, relaxing my whole system.

The whole team immediately rushed to the water, splashing it at each other faces. They didn't mind taking a rest first but it's cute though, they're like small kids having their first time on the beach. Smiling, I fished out my camera out of my bag, capturing stolen pictures of them. That's when I mindlessly pressed the zoom button, only to focus it on Kuroo.

He's smiling, he's laughing. He's so handsome, so hot, and his laughter is like a melody to my ears.

𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐆𝐀𝐑 * ˚ ✦ 𝑻. 𝑲𝑼𝑹𝑶𝑶Where stories live. Discover now