chapter 10.

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I woke up earlier today.

Nothing, I'm not excited or what, it's just that, I'm not sleepy anymore. Or maybe, I didn't really get the chance to sleep last night. I've been crying all night long while talking to Kuroo on the phone. I knew he's hurting but he's trying his best to be strong for me, for the both of us. He sang so many lullabies to me until his voice finally broke, leaving him sniffing on the other line.

I told him to stop crying anymore but he did the opposite.

I stood up from my bed, walking towards my full-length mirror. There, multiple pictures of me and Kuroo were pasted. Hot liquid started falling from my eyes as my hand shakily touched each paper. There was this picture of me holding the camera while Kuroo is doing a peace sign behind me, smiling cheekily. The other one was a stolen shot of him while blocking a ball, his hair swooshed to the side and some are pictures of me with the team.

God, I'll miss them all.

"Y/N," It was my aunt knocking from my door. She came back to Japan three days ago and now is the day when she'll finally go back to the States, sadly, with me.

Quickly, I wiped my tears.


Smiling, I faced her as she opened the door.

"Are you ready, darling?" She leaned on the door frame. "We'll be leaving at 8."

And the game will be starting at 9. Will I still be able to see them?

I nodded. "Yes, Auntie. I'm ready."

Her eyes suddenly averted from me, now looking at the pictures in my mirror. "Is that your boyfriend?"

"U-Uh, yes. His name is Kuroo."

"He looked so matured yet handsome." We both shared a chuckle. "But he seems like a good man."

"He really is, super."

"I'm so sorry," she stated. "I'm so sorry if you have to leave him this early. Have you bid your goodbyes at him?"

"N-Not yet. Can we take a detour before going to the airport? I would like to see him and the team before leaving. And, it's not your fault, Auntie. I was the one who wanted this in the first place."

"Got it," she nodded. "At the school, then?"

"Yes, Auntie. Thank you."

"No worries, darling. And make sure to kiss him before going, okay?" My aunt winked at me as I just rolled my eyes playfully.

You don't have to tell me that, Auntie.

= = = = =

My parents joined me and my aunt in the car. Kenma was unable to come with us since he arrived at the school earlier. As we parked outside the school premises, I wasted no time before running eagerly towards the covered gymnasium. I can still hear shoes squeaking on the floor so they're still inside. Sliding the door roughly, I panted as I looked around, my eyes immediately landed on my boyfriend, the team's best blocker.


I ran to him as I jumped into his arms. The whole team stopped the practice for a while before circling around us. My eyes are flooded with tears while tightly hugging my boyfriend.

"Y-You came," he whispered.

"Of course I will see you before leaving, idiot!"

I smacked him on the shoulders before letting go as I hugged the other members one by one, whispering soft and encouraging words on their ears. This is the best thing I could ever do for them for the last time. Even Yaku is damn crying.

"Do your best, okay?" I started as I watched them wiped their tears. Even Kenma is trying to hold back.

"Promise me you'll give your best shot and you'll win the games, okay?! Don't let this departure get into the flow of your gameplay. I'm sorry if I won't be there by your side to cheer you but please know that I will always be shouting the name of our team. Forever, guys. And someday, I will surely come back to meet all of you again."

I lowered my head, fingers fidgeting. "O-On that time, will you still accept me as your manager?"

"Of course, Y/N-chan!" It was Lev.

"You were our first and will be the last manager of this team!"

"Aw, Yaku...Lev, thank you!" Giving them another round of embrace, I heard someone cleared her throat.

"Y/N?" We all looked at the door and saw my aunt with my parents standing there. They're smiling but their eyes were shouting sadness.

"We'll be late for the flight."

Taking a very deep breath, I rushed to Kuroo who is currently crying very hard as I grabbed his cheeks, slamming my lips into his. I didn't hold back anymore and I will not swear that this is our last kiss. We will surely meet again because we'll both be holding onto our promises. He kissed me back hungrily but still with a hint of love, affection...and sadness. No one bothered to stop us, even if we're doing it for two straight minutes.

I tugged on his jersey for air as he pulled back.

"I love you so much, Y/N." He caressed my hair. "So fucking much, remember that."

"I love you too, Kuroo." I closed my eyes before planting a kiss on his forehead.

"Win the game for me and the team."

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