chapter 08.

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Flashback: Three days before weekend: Wednesday, 8:03 in the evening.

As I scrolled down on the internet for more useful things that a manager do for his volleyball team, I heard a soft knock on my door. As it opened, I saw my Mom with a smile plastered on her face.

"Sweetie," she sat behind me, combing my hair with her delicate fingers.

"Your aunt called me this morning."

I stopped on what I'm doing but my eyes are still glued on the monitor. My aunt, A/N, sister of my Mother, is a very close relative of mine. When I was still young, she would always take me out for restaurants, parks, or malls. But when I turned 10, she decided to move to States for a better job. Also, three months from now (a month since the incident at the beach happened), I made a very major decision for myself.

I asked my aunt to get me and let me study in the US.

Of course, I asked my parents' consent for this. They asked me why I suddenly decided this for myself and all of them, including Kenma, were surprised about my plan. I don't want to tell them that I wanted to move out because of Kuroo and instead, I told them that a better opportunity is waiting for me in the said country. I wanted to be a doctor someday, and I guessed that studying in the US is the easiest way for me to achieve it.

But looking at the other side, I just wanted to escape reality by that time I told my aunt about my plan. Now, being the team's manager, I wanted to take my word back. It feels like it'll be a rough farewell for me and the members.

I deeply sighed, there's no more escape to this. I have to stand strong for my words.

I smiled, looking at my Mom. "And what did she say?"

"She agreed to you and she'll be coming to get you next month. She also told me that it will surely interrupt your classes but she already enrolled you at a famous and elite university there so you can continue your semester. She will surely help you adjust."

My heart ached a bit but I tried to smile.

"I'm so excited, Mom."

She suddenly hugged me, soft sobbing on my shoulder. "Promise me to take care of yourself, Y/N."

I nodded. "Of course, Mom. I will."

= = = = =

Flashback: A day before the weekend: Friday, 7:29 in the evening.

"October 14th?!" I exclaimed, looking at the paper. "I'm departing on October 14th?!"

My parents nodded while I saw my Kenma put down his cellphone even though he's in the middle of his game.

"Yes, sweetie. Is there any problem?"

I bit my thumb. This is certainly a big problem!

"T-That's the exact day of the first official game of the team," I whispered, unable to look at my brother.

I tried to close my eyes to control my tears from flowing out. I don't know how I will explain this to the team, they expected me to be there on the very first day of Inter-High. I told them that I will support them everything I got and will try my best to manage the team to the fullest. And now I'll depart on that day?!

"C-Can we move the departing date?"

My mother shook her head. "I'm afraid your aunt cannot. She was given a limited time of leave to fetch you and there's no way that she can take it back anymore."

I sighed, looking at Kenma with the help-me-with-this-one look. I placed a hand on my forehead before pacing back and forth inside the living room. Can't I get a time out?! This is getting way out of hand. I'm starting to doubt my decision, am I wrong to ask my aunt to let me study in States? Am I just being too selfish at that time?!

Holy watermelon.

Left with no other solution, I locked myself inside my room before sitting on a corner, now letting the tears I'm trying to hold back fall. I guess I was being too careless at that time. Too selfish and now, there's no way out for this. I'm going to disappoint everybody and what if because of my sudden goodbye, it'll be the cause of their downfall? I can't take that, I won't surely forgive myself if that ever happens.

I'm so sorry, my team.

I'm so sorry, Kuroo.

= = = = =

Reality: Weekend: Saturday, 10:39 in the evening.

Pulling back from the kiss, me and Kuroo's foreheads met as I caressed his cheek very lovingly. I don't want to let go anymore, but it's just three more weeks and I'm leaving the whole team, him. When will I come back? I don't even know the answer myself. At that time, I bet that Kuroo will find someone better than me. We just got each other back and now, I'll be the one leaving. It feels like tables were turned.

But I promised myself one thing, I will not find any other man except for Kuroo.

"Promise me you'll wait for me," I choked on my own saliva.

"I promise, Y/N," he whispered back, eyes closed yet the way he touched me is very warm. It's the touch that my skin will remember forever.

"I promise and I will not take my word back. Believe me..."

"Even if it takes weeks?"

He nodded.


He nodded once more.


He opened his eyes. "Yes, Y/N. I promise. But, where is this coming from all of a sudden?" He tucked the loose strands of my hair behind my ear.

"Is there something I need to know?"

I hugged him once more, burying my head into the crook of his neck. This time, my cries are getting louder and evident and any moment, someone might be caught us in this very position but I don't care. As well as Kuroo.

"I'll be moving to States next month, on the day of your first official game."

He froze on his position, trying to process everything I said. I can feel his hands shaking as his eyes turned into an opened faucet, tears falling harder at the moment. Holy shit, I'm hurting him!

"W-When will you come back?" His voice broke.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"I'm sorry if I have to leave you, Kuroo."

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