Chapter 23

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Thinking I would be going to bed with a flushed and wild grin attached to my face, I didn't. I was on the edge when I slept. I kept my ears open if there ever was gonna be a call indicating that David had escaped from jail.

I was mad because it turns out, someone had broken into my room and wrote with dark red paint on the wall also. Lucky for me, Annie and Andrew took care of that but had forgotten the one in the bathroom also.

I nearly lost my mind, they could have called or texted me bout what happened. But according to them, they didn't want to ruin mine and Tristan's date. I understand but, what if something bad had happened to them, it'll all be my fault.

That same night I couldn't keep it in anymore. Deciding I better start talking, I did. But, not after putting the twins to sleep, we decided to go downstairs and talk in the sitting area.

"Did mom know about this?" Annie murmured softly. If looks could kill, David would be already dead if Annie saw him.

"No, not until she caught him beating me up to a pulp". My voice broke as I whipped my tears away.

I still remember that day, it will forever be engraved to the core of my brains. It always reminds me that not all people are good. Amongst the good ones, there a few handful people who are bad and violent. If worse comes to worse, they'd get physical with you.

Not only did I have this strong hate towards him, but the things he did to me were unforgettable and unforgivable.

"So after he got locked up behind bars that's when mom began feeling sick, right". Andrew asked. Nodding my head, I tried to push the pain away.

Her pale weak fragile body lying on the hospital bed with tubes as Doctors and nurses work their way around trying to save her. Yeah, that is something I couldn't just forget. I was there when the lines on the machine had gone straight.

"If possible,could David be responsible for all these threats he's sending to you?" Annie says as she holds my hand in hers firmly.

My body feels really numb from all these thinking. The only person who has the motive to hurt me is none other than David himself.

"I'm pretty sure its him. However,he's locked up in jail. If anything happens to him, I would be notified right away". I sigh.

"Okay ladies its getting late and we got school tomorrow. We'll continue this tomorrow and I'll also let dad know about what's being happening". Andrew glances at both Annie and I.

Before any of them could move I ask.

"What was written on the wall?"

A second of silence before Annie speaks up from beside me.

"It said Enjoy your new life while you still have the time because its either they lose you or you lose them. The choice is yours". She says in a whisper.

You know that feeling you get when spiders crawl all over your body, that was exactly what I was feeling.

"I'm gonna head up to bed now". I say standing up also. I quickly disappeared up the stairs before one of them mutters something. Right now, I don't have the energy to talk or do anything. I just want my bed, pillows and duvet.

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