Chapter 28

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I couldn't think straight in here. My heads spinning in circles knowing we're trapped in here.  Our only escape would be the elevator or stairs. But, as much as we wanna get outta here, we must not get spotted. If we do, I'm pretty sure that's it for us. We'll be doomed. And who's fault will it be, mine. All my fault.

Wanna know why, its only because of me all my love ones are gonna get killed.

The talking in the hallway soon dies down as footsteps move further away. A small sigh escapes each of us as we heard faint sounds of sirens.

"Someone needs to get down there and get help. We all can't go together". I finally say in a low whisper.

"Your right, we need help". Dad backs me up as he looks at Andrew.

"Your saying we all can't go together, why?" Rose asks with raised up eyebrows.

"Because Luke's on a wheelchair, Adrian's still not healed yet, dad's injuries hadn't healed up yet and Sky is just a kid". I say all at once looking at Tris.

He nods but when realisation strikes in, his eyes widened.

"Your saying its up to me, you, Rose and Andrew to get us out of here. Sure Andrew and I can do that but not you and Rose". Tris sternly says as he glares at me.

"I'm with Tristan on this Angie. I'm not putting you and Rose out there". He shakes his head.

"We've got no time to argue here. We gotta think fast and move". Rose adds as she looks at me.

"If you both go, its just gonna be me and Rose here with everyone whose injured. What's gonna happen if they find us here". I muttered lowly tryna get my point out there.

"Your saying either me or Andrew goes with one of you". Tris interject.

"Yeah, something like that". I whisper out.

"Plus if David's here, that only means Annie and Reese could be here too". I added.

No one said a word yet as I went into deep thoughts. And just like that, an idea popped up.

"What if, someone goes with Rose to find help while someone comes with me to find David. Where he is, is definitely where we'll find them". I pointed out.

"And what if that does happen, what's gonna happen when you find David with Annie and Reese". Andrew sighs as he  runs his hand through his midnight black hair.

"Then one of us will have to stay and keep an eye while the other will try to find his way out to get help". I murmur in frustration.

It went quiet again as they were processing what I just said.

I myself am pretty sure that at the moment, this is a really dumb plan right now.  But at times like this, there is no debate. We gotta come up with quick plans to get out alive. And I'm basically speaking out my mind.

"We're in shit! Fine, this is how it works, you are gonna with Angie to get help while Rose will come with me to find David and where he's hiding Annie and Reese.  Dad you all need to stay in here hiding and don't make a single noise when were gone. Adrian man, are you okay to keep yourselves safe while waiting for Angie and Tristan to come get yous?"

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