Chapter 29

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My heart and breathing raced with me as I stopped just outside the hospital's back exit in the alley. What the hell did I just do? My brains questioned me. Now's not the time to bicker, I need to help Tris, make sure they haven't found dad and them in the storage room and my siblings.

With not so much of a proper plan, I push the door open slowly and take a peak inside. Hardly a noise nor anyone here all except for the two bodies that would soon decay.

Nothing but the gun in my hand, I start to make my way through the back laboratory and out onto the hallway. A little more steps and I was back at the receptionist front desk.

In a flash, the sound of footsteps were approaching me. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I moved behind the receptionist desk and hid under it.

"What the fuck man, we're surrounded and there's no way out". A deep grouchy voice says.

"Suck it up asshole!" Another voice mutters in a laugh.

"Seven of our men are already dead. They bloody hell weak as fuck. If I catch those kids, I'm gonna put a knife down their fucking throats". He sneers angrily.

I swallow the lump in my throat slowly and thoughtfully as I listened on to their conversation. My heart raced as their footsteps came to an halt infront of the desk.

I shut my eyes tightly as I brought a hand up and placed it over my mouth holding in my heavy gasps.

"That sweet innocent blonde upstairs with big blue eyes, we should get a quick taste of her before he kills her. Don't you think?"

My other hold on the gun tightened angrily. Those bloody fools. They're  nothing but unwanted pests. As much as I felt like pulling the trigger and watch as the silver bullet flies out and goes straight through their head, I can't do that. That's a huge sin I'll have to live with for the rest of my damn life.

Back to reality, my only hope to finding Annie is to follow those two assholes which I'm definitely gonna do without a blink of an eye.

Sweat dripped down my forehead as they walked of with their footsteps clamping against the tiled floor. Counting to five, I came out from under the receptionist desk and made sure there was no one here before I trailed after them.

I kept a safe distance back, I remained  in the corner hiding as they stepped into the elevator and disappeared. Running up quickly, I stood infront of the elevator doors as I watch the light move upwards on the numbers.

I wasn't surprise when it stopped on the fourth floor. With a quick look back, I continued down the hall and pushed the door opened as I went back up using the stairs instead.

Jumping two stairs up at a time, I pushed both my feet to move quickly as my breathing came in and out in heavy pants. Sweat pooled around my neck as my shirt began to get damp much quicker.

Finally felt like the world came crashing down on me, I was already on the forth floor as I stood quietly to catch my breath.

With a puff of breath, I pushed the door opened and emerged out into the plain quiet hallway. Cold shivers ran down my spine as a weird feeling rushed over me.

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