II: Lavender Wishes

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The word left his mouth, and suddenly there were none in mine. His accent was foreign, and though I couldn't pinpoint it, it seemed so familiar, like I'd heard this tongue before. When I'd realized I paused for too long, just staring at him, my cheeks flushed. I could only nod slightly in his direction and smile as my gaze averted from his to the floor. It was unprecedented, how shy I would become once in the immediate presence of him -- I suppose I just hadn't thought this all the way through. 

A thought suddenly struck me, leaving me more sheepish than I had already been: how strange would it be that someone just walked into a shop because they wanted to live out a fantasy? 

My teeth tugged at my bottom lip in embarrassment as I slowly made my way around the shop, pretending to be invested in the act of purchasing chocolate to get my mind off of my own stupidity. I felt the chocolatier's eyes on my back for most of the "adventure" around the establishment -- a feeling that I just couldn't shake off so easily, especially when I realized the roles had reversed, from me ogling him, to him staring me down.

But eventually, after all the endless mind games and weird tingling sensations at the back of my neck, it became too tempting to turn around and properly face him. I was about to look over my shoulder before the red-head's voice rang out in the awkward silence.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" The question took me by surprise, though it was a common phrase that shopkeeps asked. 

"Oh! N-Not really," I stammered, startled by the sudden inquiry, "I just really enjoyed the smell -- it's a lovely perfume in a night like this, so I thought I'd check it out." The chocolatier chuckled at my response and went back to filling the caramel bon bons. After a few minutes, he disappeared into the back of the shop, presumably to finish making the chocolates and pop them in the chiller.

He came back only moments later to peer over the counter and shoot a grin at me, to which I reciprocated with a wobbly smile. The man seemed entertained by my reactions, as his eyes sparkled with a childlike humor whenever I was in the position to give an inelegant response to his randomness.

"I can recommend some of my favorites, if you'd like!" The more I looked into his behavior, the more it seemed like he was guessing how the situation would play out and acting in favor of that postulation. But what really baffled me was that he never showed any sign of hesitation, nor did he ever look like he was about to second-guess himself.

It was a peculiar trait, but his confidence made it endearing all the same. 

Perhaps it was that reason why I decided to play along. 

"Sure?" My answer was laced with uncertainty, but a yes was a yes nevertheless. The red-head nodded and crossed over from his side of the counter to mine in order to show me around. He pointed out various flavors of cacao confections, describing the textures and piquancies of each in a passionate manner. I wouldn't have expected anything less, from a man who lived and breathed chocolate.

"I saved the best for last." The chocolatier's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back into the real world as my eyes focused from nothingness to the object he put onto the palm of his slender hand. 

There sat a small box of lavender and honeycomb chocolate, each bundle individually packaged in a refined yet simplistic box with a gorgeous light purple bow on top, the edges dipped in gold. Although there were only six pieces in each package, I knew from the heavily fragrant smell that the chocolate gave off, that however small they were, their moreishness would be enough to satisfy even the most insatiable of customers.

"If you'd like to take something home, I recommend getting this," the red-head suggested, offering me the small cube of confections, "It's a nice treat for nights when you feel alone."

Though I knew that he just wanted some business, I couldn't help but feel a happiness bloom within my heart, as fictional as the reason for it to sprout may have been. However, after the short-term rapture, I then knew that no matter how falsely romantic this scene was, it wouldn't contribute to the development of our relations with one another. To be as foolish as I was certainly a talent, but unfortunately, not the best one -- that was something I'd always recognized to be true.

I hesitated, thinking wistfully for a moment before I did something I'd regret later. In my head, the scene played out perfectly: I'd accept his offer, visit the chocolate shop every day, and eventually we'd fall in love and kiss underneath the Eiffel Tower at midnight.

It was almost laughable, how childish I still was, but then again, he sounded so sincere, it was borderline deceit, cheating me of all that reality had to offer.

Finally looking up at the figure in front of me with creased eyes and a small, sentimental smile, I shook my head in refusal, politely rejecting the tiny crate of chocolate.

"Perhaps I'll leave the alleviating of my loneliness as a task for you, someday," I murmured, pushing back his hand and tapping it twice, "I hope you'll consider." As soon as I turned on my heel, preparing to make a leeway to the door, I stopped in my tracks, just registering the fact that I hadn't yet asked for the chocolatier's name.

"I didn't get your name, actually," I spoke with slightly pursed lips and a raised eyebrow -- an eccentric expression, to say the least.

The redhead's eyes glimmered as they regarded me once, twice, then a third time, with more amusement and admiration in them than the last. I watched as his thin lips moved to spell out a single word that would leave me breathless yet again.

"Tendou." The tension washed away from my face as my eyes were blown wide and my heart fluttered. My fingers curled as I felt my cheeks flush in delight, the tips of my ears practically glowing a faint pink. I could've jumped up and crashed through the roof at how giddy I was at that moment. Oh, the majesty of being able to discover something about someone that intrigues you so. My breaths grew short and my feet felt as light as feathers as I recognized the familiar waltzing tune come back once more. Delicate harmonies between the violin and piano illustrated a coy mood, to which I decided would be a nice note to end on.

Gracefully yet hurriedly making my way to the door, I cracked it open and turned around to face the chocolatier for the final time that night. As my gaze met his, I knew he expected some kind of farewell, though he didn't look one bit disappointed — it was an atypical riposte for an ordinary person, but it seemed like something of the norm for a man such as him.

The thought enthralled me so much I couldn't help but crack a smile as finally bid him adieu, disappearing into the night after saying my goodbyes.

"You can call me (Y/N). I'll see you around, Tendou."

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