The Memories

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A white button-up shirt, accompanied by a pair of tight black jeans and black sneaker. A broad chest, not too muscular but enough to see the slightest hint of abs and not-so subtle pecks. Not thin, but not thick legs, just a little muscle but barely.

Small ears painted with tan skin. A sharp jawline containing just the smallest bit of scruff. Thin eyebrows, arched with confidence.

Finally, my eyes trail over to the boys Fluffy and unkept hair.

Purple Hair.

My eyes widen as I see the objects resting upon the boys purple hair.

Purple balls.

"Mineta?" I mumble as my eyes move higher and lock onto those Onyx eyes that I thought I never wanted to see again. And yet, for some odd reason, they held such a warm feeling within them.

He smiles and nods his head, looking down at me. "Yeah, Although I go by Mino now!" He exclaims with a voice deeper than I expected Mineta could ever have.

I stand there, mouth agape and completely flabbergasted. The boy. This tall, muscular, deep voiced, sharp jawline, fluffy haired boy, is the same boy who only reached three feet in height, and had the biggest lisp only two years ago? What happened to him?

"W-What happened to you... M-Mino?" I stutter my sentence, not knowing what else to say.

He chuckles. "Well, after I confessed to you and you totally shot me down-"

"For a good reason though!" I interrupt him, knowing he'd try to defend himself.

But he didn't. He simply nodded and continued talking.

"Yeah. I was such a perverted twat back then. I had no respect for women and I thought it was okay. So, after you shot me down, I decided it was time for a change." He stopped, looking at me for any sign of reaction.

I blink. "Twat?" I say like an idiot.

He laughs. "Yeah, I moved to England to get my act together. I went to an all boys private school and practiced my quirk as well as improved my behavior at my time there. I decided, a couple months ago, that I was ready to return and do the one thing I've wanted to do for the last two years." He slowly gets on his knees.

"What are you doing M-Mino?" I ask, taking a step back, the ankle of my foot entering my room.

He looks up to me, still in the same position and frowns. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Hibiki. I was such a terrible person. I know that no amount of apologizing or gifts can get rid of what I did to you. I will do anything, just please give me a second chance!"

"What makes you think I'll give you a second chance? You do realize what you did scarred me, that you mentally and physically scarred me?"I choke out, trying my hardest to fight back the tears that once riddle my room.


"Just go..." I look away, pointing my finger at the door to indicate that I'm done with him. He huffs, but proceeds to nod and walks to his door. He gives me one last glance before entering his room and closing the door.

I bite my lip as I run over to Bakugou's dorm room. I start to knock on the door but no one answers, causing more tears to start seeping out. I began to slam on the door harshly, choking up the quiet cries.

"The fu-" Bakugou begins to say as he opens the door. Before he could finish, he looks down at my crying form. His eyes widen and he grabs my arm, pulling me into his room.

He carefully places me on his bed and grabs tissues. He puts them next to me, and starts rubbing circles on my back to calm me.

"Who the hell did this to you?" He snarls, but keeps his voice quiet as to avoid hurting my head.

Grapes May Not Be So Bad (Minoru Mineta x oc)Where stories live. Discover now