Feelings (Chapter Three)

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At the dawn of September as I lay myself awakened by the moonlight sky---- I feel chills down my cheeks, then the chills are covering my entire body as I cover myself with the thick comforter then I open my eyes to find out it is morning!.. Was it only a dream?--- or a reality that seemed so weird that you could only imagine that it is only a dream? I thought to myself, shaking my head with those thoughts inside then I look at my checklist/notebook to see what are the schedules for this month, then the latter part I found out that finals are approaching, I’ve got to make-up some of the days that I was absent, those days that no one would let me allow to go outside after that very exhausted, weird, frightened moments that the teachers won’t let me in the class because I was excuse when those times I’ve never seen Nich, Ele, Lassy and Doug. After that I manage to fix myself and went on to class, so it was Eclipse, the class where I first questioned their ability of teaching. Every Eclipse time I felt chills in my body, probably the wind from the South Coast because it was facing the window right next to the Coast then I just ignore, as classes went on I tried to participate about the matter, well sometimes called and the other times not, I wanted to participate to earn some extra points, so that I could make-up the absences I made, I missed classes nothing to do in the room makes me feel bored, just reading books, luckily listening to music, very usual day, except there is no Ele, no Nich, no Doug and no Lassy. People I cared about are gone, I went to Ele’s room but she was not there, Lassy’s room and he was not there either, I even asked Madam Stone where’s Nich, but I addressed Mr. Stone, but she doesn’t know where her son maybe, even Doug. I was alone then-- where could possibly this people maybe? they’re were nowhere to be found, it’s like I’ve searched everywhere during my free time I thought to myself, it’s like I roamed all over the campus just to find them, but nowhere!! after that, it was afternoon, I was worried sick specially to my brother, where could he possibly be, he doesn’t know this place, he never had been here, Ele she’s a girl, what could possibly be happening to her, Nich where is he? And Lassy does he comes back to his Stepmom? I don’t know what to do, so I ask permission to Madam Stone if I could pass through the forest, so that I could find them at first she ordered for some company but I begged to be alone, then afterwards I went on.

So I passed through those thick bushes and big trees, that seemed real after that, I went on to Mom and Dad first the the house seems empty, no people that lived at all, it looks like an abandon place it looks hunted actually, I took three deep breaths, and went inside-- the house where I used to live in was empty, dust all over white cloths covered the furniture since when did Mom and Dad leave the furniture behind and since when did they decided to transfer again? And why are we left in this place without them? Questions right down my thoughts after a few minutes of roaming around the house there were no signs of humans, I sat down the stairs, sobbing and shedding some tears. I feel like I’m all alone in this world, nowhere to go, no family to comfort I feel sorry for myself, that I’m alone in this very weird place I was worried plus alone plus abandoned the words want to come out from my mouth but how could I verbalized those words, I’m not crazy talking to myself how could I just wish that this is only a dream that everything will be back to normal but it was real, I could feel it, pinching my skin makes me feel pain. After that I want to go to school and stayed there, hoping that they could be at school by now, but I heard someone talking at the backyard, I went on the back door, as I opened the door I saw a lady, with dress that could be possibly just like typical American dress.

“Honey!! what are you doing in there? is that your home?” she asked me with I high tone in her voice.                 

“It used to be my home! But Am… I don’t know where my family is, do you know where they are heading?” I asked her hoping for some information about my family and maybe Doug is with them, then I was left here alone.                    
“The people living in there well they probably won’t come back anymore no specific routes where they may have been” the tone of her voice freaks me out, chills again flowing down the back of my neck.            

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