My Team (Chapter Five)

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Walking in the wilderness, knowing that there is someone behind my back watching me as I took every step in the smooth sand along the beachside, makes me feel awkward that knowing there is someone, what if that is a stranger, stranger that is planning to attack me, a stranger that is planning to rape or salvage me.

But it was not a stranger, it was my friend, he was once my hated person at school but now he is one of my favorite companion that I want to comfort this time, to feel his presence always, to watch his face all over again, to watch his personality, changing, changing to be good, to be better, watching him makes me want to cry, feeling sorry for him, for his heartaches, his sufferings that is for sure once to be foretold, by a sick injured girl that was lying in the huge bed inside a mysterious room, in a weird school within a remote urban place of Massachusetts.       

“Sam, are you okay? you wanna go home? C’mon!” as he rushed into my side as I action to faint, I fell down in my knees and my pants are wet.                “I’m fine!! I just need some rest maybe!! I did not get enough sleep three days until now, just need to rest,--- can you take me to the hospital?” asking him while he assisted me as I try to get up on my feet.                       

“To the hospital? Sam you need to go home now, you need some rest, you’re so pale, it’s like you ran out of blood! Sam I’m going to take you home, whether you like it or not!” as he carry me to the car.                        

“But Lassy, I need to be at Doug’s side, maybe he wakes-up now!”as I said to him with teary eyes.              

“Sam as much I want you to be with your brother now, you really have to get some rest now, you have to regain you strength! Sam it’s for your own good”. I did not say a word and Lassy took me home, along the way, inside the car was quite, I close my eyes as I mesmerized the sweet melodic music he played. The music makes my body relax, it’s kinda relaxing to the fact that it’s not a hard rock, unlike other men, they prefer to listen to hard music, than this one, but he was different, he likes classical music, jiving to the beat of the music, reminds me of my Grandfather, who is at Hawaii, waiting for my call, on what’s the news in here.               

“So Sam!….. What about your Grandfather, is he coming? I mean he needs to visit Doug” he ask while driving.                         

“I have no idea he is too old to travel, maybe I will keep in touch to him through phone calls” I said opening my eyes now watching the beautiful view on the stateside, watching every green trees that shines under the sunlight, every flowers that blooms at the start of the spring season, every bushes that is about to fill with thick green leaves again, spring time, a start of again of a new life, after the winter which is the death of them, spring is their new lives--- beginning again of a new chapter.              

“So he is not coming? Well I’m sure your Granma could accompany him” as he ask me still focus on the road.             
“She can’t now” as I told him facing the road with my sad and tired eyes.            

“What do you mean she can’t? I’m sure it would be better if they could both visit you sometimes I mean you’re their grandchildren” as he said to me facing me this time.

“She can’t, and she will never be” as I responded with a tears flow down my face.

“Lassy, Grandmamma is dead, since we were in grade school my Grandfather married again, they lived in Hawaii now” as I noticed big drops of tears flow down my cheeks.             

“I’m so sorry Sam!!… I did not know I really apologize about that” as he wipe my tears with a tissue. “How about your step grandmother, aren’t they coming?!!” as he continued to ask questions.             

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