The Party (Chapter Eleven)

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Hours, minutes, seconds, we stayed at the hospital, waiting for her to wake up, but she is still unconscious, we had no idea what’s got into her, the doctor still had not yet come into the room to inform us, Madam still lay in her bed with eyes closed and very steel, only the rise and down of her breathing indicates that she’s alive, Nich never leave her side, he holds her hand and never let go of them, since she was confined into this room, Me and Ele lye our heads on the extra bed in the room and Lassy still sitting on the chair right beside the door, resting himself, nobody move just a single bit, the room was very quiet, the atmosphere was very blue and the people seemed not in the world where I was, my heart keeps beating faster and faster, I don’t know why it keeps on doing like this, then I saw Lassy moving, I thought his going to open his eyes. But, he didn’t instead he make himself comfortable on the chair and did not move after that, Nich still did not move, still closing his eyes and bowing his head on the bedside, still holding his mother’s hands, then Ele suddenly hold my hand.              

“Sam, I’m going to the powder room first and I’m going to go back to school, I have some catch up to do” as she stands up and heads to the powder room.                     

“You’re not going to wait until Madam wakes up?”              

“Nah!! I have to finish something, it’s passed deadline, I have to make up on my Filming”

“Oh!. Can I come with you?”                           

“Sam, you have to stay here, Lassy will take me back, he’s lot of things to cover up too”.

After a few minutes they went off to go back to school, Lassy give me a wave goodbye with a smile and close the door slowly. Then after that the room was as silent as no one ever seemed was inside, no Lassy snoring and no fidgeting teeth of Ele, it was only the three of us inside the big white room, Nich still did not wake up, I am at the feet part of Madam, staring at her, in her very pale lips and very weak body, she’s not anymore the woman who met us in our first day of class, the graceful woman the enthusiastic one, the one that when at first look you seemed to follow orders immediately, like you don’t want her to be disappointed at you, she was not the woman who is in front of me right now, no traces of that woman, no evidences that would prove that it was really her, that woman I see at this very moment is different, it was a woman who is laying at bed, sick, suffering, unconscious, and out of this world. Then all the sudden I realize she was moving her eyes it’s like she’s waking up. Then I rushed into Nich’s side and woke him up.                     

“Nich?? Your mom is waking up” as I focus my sight to her, it seemed that she had difficulty in opening her eyes, she speaks words of pain, it’s like it’s killing her.              

“Mom??!!! Mom can you hear me!?” as he stands up and hold his mother’s head and hoping that she would hear him.                      

“Nich??” as Madam spoke into a weak tune, like an old lady trying to speak, trying to voice words out.                                 

“Mom? Are you alright?”               

“I’m fine son, I’m fine, Sam?! child”       
“Madam are you alright?” as I quickly went to her side as soon she mentioned my name.              

“I’m fine child and thank you”                         

“it’s nothing compared to what you’ve done to me”

Then a soft knocking of the door disturb our talk, then a tall, in white man approached our location. He has this Black colored hair, white complexion, deep set eyes, but he seemed in a grieve mood, as he went on to us.                                   

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