Images (Chapter Nine)

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A lot had happened lately, first Sassy’s confession then the happening at the Grand Ball which instantly I’m engaged and then my brother’s sudden memory loss. It’s still difficult to accept that sudden change, I know it will take me a very long time to recover on that. And Madam Stone insisted that I’m going to stay at them during thanksgiving, because it will for the better, I will just hurt myself when I’m going to spend some time in our house, seeing him like that will kill me, it’s like he remember other person, he remembered a girl, his sister but not me, I don’t understand why he became like that, why he instantly just forget me, walking on a crowded hallway, hearing different voices, chatting there and chatting here, listening to music in the other room and playing music in the next room, loud laughing on the other side and sleeping on the next side. Girls that seemed if you don’t talk to them they seemed to have not experienced so much pain in them, no sorrows that passed them by, it seemed that they have not been hurt. Outside the sky was covered with dark clouds, heavy rain was about to come, very weird, it seemed like it’s already rainy season, which is not, and the atmosphere is blue, me myself feel blue, the girl that passed by me looks blue, breeze touched my face, it’s not the typical breeze but it’s chilly, I felt chills all over me, my entire body almost shiver, and I just wore some sleeveless top and shorts and it really seemed sunny a while ago but then suddenly dark big clouds covered those blue sky I saw just as I woke up this morning and strong breeze replaced the smooth fresh wind that I always wanted to feel every time I went outside for a morning walk, even the coach canceled team practice for the day, no practice this afternoon, then at lunch time everyone seemed very upset or blue, their faces was painted with something, I can’t figure out what was going on, my fellows are nowhere to be found, I don’t where they went, even Laila who is not being late at lunch time is not even at the canteen, the table we used to sit in was empty, no one even dares to sit on the chair, I have nowhere to go on that moment, until I saw Laily sitting on one of the benches outside, her face is just like the others, it’s like it has worries and sorrows, as I become nearer to her, chills suddenly wrap around my neck down to my feet, even thought I changed now and wear jacket and pants and some shoes I can still feel the cold.           

  “Hey” as I greeted her smiling                          

“Oh Sam!, what are you doing here?” asking me the question suspiciously.              

“What do you mean, what am I doing here?                      

“Well the sky is dark, and your coach canceled practice, everyone seemed not in the self”

"The entire school seemed not in their selves even you, Laily what happened in here?”              

“Nothing just an ordinary day, the sky just turned gray that’s all…”                        

"Where are the others?”            

“What do you mean?”    

“Sassy, Laila, Nich, Ele, Emily, Lassy???….where are they?”                  

“I thought they we’re with you, I saw Ele a while ago heading to the canteen, I thought you ate together”               

“I’ve never seen her since this morning, all of them actually!”           
Then all of the sudden Laily’s face become so dim, her face seemed fading, I could not see her in just a second. Then someone tap my back which give an entire shock!.               

“Hey! who are you talking to?” as Emily asked me. The whole place seemed back to itself, the sky is bright again, the fresh air touched my face again, the atmosphere seemed had life again.         

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