Chapter 8

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Me and the team were currently shooting around. Satan ,who's name I just learned was Sarah, also made the team sadly but its whatever. The game was about to start and we were just doing layup drills.
The game started and honestly I was getting tired of Sarah. She kept shooting 3s knowing damn well they weren't going in and everytime I called for the ball she wouldnt pass it. Coach called timeout and benched Sarah.

Finally I got the ball dribbling in between my legs to see if either someone was open or if I'll have to make myself some space. Seeing no one was open I crossover the the ball in front of me, shooting a three.
At the end of the game I had scored 32 points and I couldn't be happier. Sharife came up to me giving me a hug. When I tell you...I almost melted.

"You did good" he smiled at me

"I mean no need to brag" I said popping my imaginary collar.

"Almost as good as me" he said smiling

"Boy I been better then you..dont trip"

"Who lied to you" he laughed

I smacked my teeth going to the bench to grab my water.
When I had made it home I found out I was posted on ot. I called sharife and fast and I could.



Awwe you were sleep

Yeah but Wassup

I'm on ot


Nah I'm just saying that to say it..

Shut up

Mmcht, you don't even sound excited for me .

I am jay , but I'm just mad tired fam.

I guess , call me when I wake up


With that I hung up.

I started to get more followers leaving me at 60k followers.

Ts crazy.

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