A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True -Chapter 1

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A Dream(or should I say Dreams) Come True

Chapter 1


"I can't believe that I am leaving today," I said.

"Neither can we," said Sabz.

"I thought that you two are atleast going to stay for a month when you came, but I guess I was wrong," Amy said with a sad face.

"Yeah, even I thought that. I know I should have asked her for how long were we going to stay but I just forgot........anyways even if I had asked her she would have said something and do something else."I said. "That's my mom for you:completely unpredictable. You'll never know when she will do what."

"Definately unpredicatble,"said Sabz. "Just yesterday she was saying that you two are staying for another week and then today she tells you two are leaving and that the flights in  4 hours. She could have atleast told you about it earlier or asked you!"

"I know but what's happenend has happened and we can't change that" I said. "The last 3 weeks were the most awesome weeks of my life as yet......mostly because of the two of you. I am going to miss you all a lot."

"We are also going to miss oyu a lot," said Amy. "Don't forget us when you get back to your glamorous friends."

"Obviuosly not. I am never going to forget you and Sabz.... and David, of course." I said without even realisng what I had said.

Great! David....... I wasn't even thinking about him, well now I am. His name has to come up, even thought it's true that I will never forget him. How can I? That's the question after what I feel about him. I know for a fact that it's not a crush because I've had crushes before and anyway the feelings tooooooo strong to be a crush, I think it might be.....Love. I thinl it is love.I am love in with David but I won't get to see him again..can you believe it?

I know I should have told him when I had the chance, but I was scared..I just wish that I had the courage to tell him how I feel about him ...then maybe I would have known how he felt about me. But I don't htink it's of any use now, I don't think I will see him again , maybe in my whole life....(I am hoping this doesn't happen and I get to see him again)....well, that's if he wants to see me, cause I am sure after he finds out that I left without ev en telling him, he's going to think I am such a jerk for not not telling him I am going or even telling him thabks for all that he did for me in the past few weeks...............I just hope he doesn't start hating or not liking me. I can't bear that thought but I know that I am really really going to miss him and maybe, just maybe he might also miss.........

"Earth to Alex"

"Alex.....Hello?! Are you there?"


I could see Amy and Sabz waving their hand sin front of my face and calling me...

"Huh?.....yeah, sorry! What did you say?"

"We have been calling you for soo long and you are just lost in your own world thinking about something......which is?" asked Sabz.

"Umm...nothing. I wasn't thinking about anything.I just knid of blacked out"

"Oh, really"


"Alex! Do you expect us to believe that? You know you can't lie to us and we pretty much know what or who you were thinking about. You were thinking about David, right?"asked Amy.

"Ok, fine , I was"

"Alex, Just tell him how you feel about him."

"How can I? Firstly. I won't get to see him again and even if I do I don't think I willl ever get the courage to tell him how I feel about him. I don't even think we shouold even worry about that because I am sure afterhe finds out I left without even telling him, he's going to think I am such a jerk and start hating me" I said.

"He is not going to think you are a jerk or start hating you"

"Ok..maybe he won't hate me, but I don't feel right going without telling him even though I know it's not like our fault.I know we tried calling him sooooo many times but I just don't feel right. I feel like I need to see him again one more time even if it might be the last time I see him. I don't care if he doesn't like me but I know I just have to see him" I said.

I could feel my eyes welling up and I know that the tears were about to fall. I quickly wiped my eyes with my sleeve before I did cry.......but I knew if not now then later I would definately cry. That's how I am.

"Oh Alex..."

"Sorry, guys. I am troubling you with my.....nevermind. What were you guys telling me before I spaced out?" I asked

"We were telling you we have a surprise for you," said Amy with a mischeovous grin on her face.

"A surprise?"

"Yupp, A surprise and I am sure you are going to like it...... if not love it," said Sabz.

"So what is it?" Now, what have these two got for me...they are seriously tooo much.

"David" they both called at the same time.

David...Did I hear right? David! No,it couldn't be....It is.... I couldn't believe it.

I could feel my heart missing a beat as I saw his face...................


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It's the first story I have wrote so .....Please Vote and COMMENT>



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