First day of U.A!

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Y/N's POV 

After that weird incident with Bakugo Auntie Zoey started bugging me about him and if we were dating "So so so Y/N have you kissed~" she said in a whisper, I looked at her with a embarrassed face and I was blushing "I-I told you I'm not dating him!" I said "Mhmm" Auntie said "Well I'll let you keep going about your life, but when you do the dirty tell me about it will ya?" She said winking while walking out of the room. I got embarrassed and hid my face "Damn..".

After 2 months it's your first day of school (I bet u waited for it) 

"Y/N wake your butt up!!" My Aunt yelled "Okay! I'm up!" I yelled back in annoyed tone, when I finally had the bones to walk To the bathroom I brushed my hair and brushed my teeth. I let my hair down because why not and then walked to my closet. I picked up my new uniform and put it on, it fit perfectly but it was missing something. "Aha!" I said as I picked up my tie, I almost forgot about it. Then I put my Atasuki shoes on with black socks on that reached my knees, "Done!" I yelled as I walked down stairs. "Aha Y/N you look grate! You make your own breakfast I gotta go to work and also your uncle is at work, he will come home at 8, I'll be back at Midnight! Bye have a good day!" She yelled and shut the door. I only had 37 Minutes till school starts, I walked to the kitchen and got out bread, eggs, milk, strawberry's. In 12 minutes I was done making my strawberry milk and my egg sandwich, I put the milk in my black water bottle and ran outside for school. 

When I got there I was late by 5 minutes, damn I needed to look for class 1-A, then I saw it. The door was gigantic I giggled at the thought of thinking it was a Titan then I went inside. The whole class was staring at me, I looked and looked back at the ground "sorry.." I mumbled and walked to an open seat, "Okay as I was saying today we are doing a Fitness test, i will rank your scores and that's it now get changed into your gym uniforms." He said as he walked away. I looked next to me to see who was my desk buddy and saw this multi haired guy that looked hot and had a scar, then he looked back at me I relized I was staring too long. "Um do you need something?" He said with no expression " u-umm n-no n-nothing at all! It's just that you look like one of my Husbands t-that's it!" I said with a blushing face and I covered my mouth "E-ehm I-I-I mean.." I said as I looked down in embarrassment "Hehe it's okay." He said with a little smile "Did you mean anime husbands or?" He said tilting his head "Ah y-yes that's it!" I said "Wait how did you know?" I said with a confused expression "Oh your Akatsuki shoes" he said looking down "Ah You noticed?!" I said with a happy face he nodded "Oh we should get going, see ya!" I said as I stood up and fast walked away. 

When I got to the women's changing area I was nervous, what if these girls didn't like me like what other girls did at my school? Would they bully me too? And will they laugh at my body size? I grabbed my gym uniform and went to the bathroom to change while some girls changed outside. Then I put my belongings in a locker then I realized that It was locked, I never really knew how to open lockers my friend did it for me in middle school so I never really did it. I got embarrassed and just put it in a stall, okay the third one on the right." I mumbled then I left. I was the last one out, everyone was waiting for me. "Okay now that everyone is here we are gonna throw this soft ball" The teacher said holding a ball "Bakugo what was your score last time?" Wait Bakugo? So he's in this class huh? "I think 70 meters?" (I think that's what he said I dunno I'm just guessing) "okay your gonna do the same thing but use your quirk." The teacher said As Bakugo walked up and grabbed it out of his hands. "DIEE!" Bakugo said as an explosion came out and the ball flew, the teacher looked at this remote thing "730 meters," he said as he showed us the remote. I heard everyone whispering on how good he was. Now Ojiro I want you to repete the same steps." As he through it the teacher said his score "Now if you are the last one you are getting expelled at the end of the test so try hard." He said then everyone said "WHAT?!" except you. You knew that he was just testing our ability's, "Okay Y/n your up" he said as he tossed the ball towards me. I caught it and walked up "I'll try my hardest" I mumbled, I used my quirk to help me (Y/n has more quirks) I turned my hand into a tiger's paw and I used another quirk, it's name was perspective. I could move my soul into something and make it do what ever I want, I also used another quirk called movement, I can move my quirk into a object or thing. I put my flying quirk in. I threw the ball and then fell on the ground from using perspective, I was in the ball's view it was beautiful I saw all these trees and even saw the gas station next to my house. Then I landed and switched back to my original body, when I opened my eyes everyone was crowding around me "Eh? What's wrong?" I said "W-well you passed out while throwing the ball.." a shy green haired boy said "Ooh I totally forgot" I said laughing "That's part of my quirk!" I said smiling. Everyone wowed and gave me space "Well Y/n you got 998 meters" he said showing me the remote "Ah man!" I said as I frowned and walked away. 

Then after the tests I was in 5th place, "meh it's good enough" I mumbled as everyone had surprised faces, yet the last one was the green haired guy he looked like he was about to cry. "Hey ya know it was just a test to see your ability's right?" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder "EH?!" I heard everyone say except some people were not even surprised. "Well yea why do you think we would get expelled right away?" A girl with Black hair and a pony tail on. When everyone was talking I went inside the women's changing room. I grabbed my clothes and put it back on and went to the bathroom to watch some anime, (sometimes u go to the bathroom and watch stuff don't be shy I know) then I heard the girls come in. I walked out shutting my phone and putting it in my pocket. At class we learned about how to solve hero situations and all I was doing was taking notes and drawing. "hey what are you drawing?" I heard a soft guys voice and realized it was the guy that looked like my hubby. "n-nothing" I stuttered quietly as I hid the picture I didn't want him to see that I drew a spiky Pomeran aka Bakugo. He lifted up my hands "It's cute.." he said giving a small blush "Thanks" I said as I began taking notes again. 

After class was over we had lunch, I didn't know where to sit so I sat alone. I went on my phone and watched a comedy anime to get my mind off of school, "May I sit?" I heard a soft voice say, I look up and see him again "Oh sure!" I said as he sat in front of me. I looked back and kept watching "Pfft!" I kept giggling then I finally laughed "What show are you watching?" I heard the guy say "Oh It's Saiki.k" I said pausing it, "Oh cool" he said. We didn't talk for a whole 3 minutes "You know I never really got your name Mind if you tell me?" He said "Oh sorry I totally forgot, my name is L/n Y/n!" I gave him a closed eyed smile "Oh well my name is Shoto Todoroki. Nice to meet you" he said while we shook hands. 

After lunch we got close and became friends. Then when we were walking down the hall way I saw Rachel "Ah! Ray!" I yelled as I hugged her "Y/n-Chan!" She said as we hugged "So girl what class you in?" I said "Well I'm in class 1-B, it's cool but there is this creepy guy named Monama" (I think that's how u spell it) "Wow I dunno what's worse i have this pervert in my class he's short and tiny thats what makes it weird" as I pull away from the hug "Oh! Y/n-Chan who is this?" She said as she pointed at Todoroki "Oh this is Todoroki-kun from my class" "Hey" he said as he gave a little wave "Ya know y/n he's cute" she whispered to my ear "Ya he reminds me of my hubby's" "well Y/N we need to go so good bye Ms." he said as he bowed down "Oh okay bye Y/n-Chan!" "Bye!" We waved and left. 

After school

"Ahh now I gotta do homework" I said, I took my backpack off and grabbed some books and the homework. When I was in the middle of doing my homework I forgot that I left my notebook at school "Damn" I walked back and fourth then I decided to go to sleep "I'll finish it later" then I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Author-San:okay I'm finally done I'll add more Bakugo but he isn't in this chapter he'll be here soon tho

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