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fluff 🥺

SONG: i love you forever by logic


Corbyn couldn't balance all his emotions, feeling the overwhelming pressure of them all settled upon him.

His hands shook with a mixture of nerves so bad he felt sick, but excitement so high he wanted to jump around. They struggled to button the rest of his white button down shirt, slipping off repeatedly and leaving Corbyn cursing quietly and shaking his head.

"Corbyn." Daniel interrupted, walking up to him. "Dude, relax. What's going on?"

"I'm just nervous." Corbyn admitted, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth out of habit. "I don't wanna mess anything up. What if something goes wrong?"

"Nothing will go wrong, you're being ridiculous." Daniel told him, rolling his eyes playfully at his friend. As he spoke, he swatted Corbyn's hands away from where they fiddled with his shirt, beginning to button the rest of it up. "Everything will be perfect and by the end of the night, we'll be celebrating two Mr Besson's."

That thought settled Corbyn's thoughts just barely, bringing a small smile to his face and a flutter of anxiety passing through his chest.

The idea was hard to wrap his head around, Corbyn finally getting the chance to marry his best friend since he was sixteen and boyfriend for nearly just as long. He'd waited years for this day, finally getting his chance after much fantasizing and long distant promises.

The fact that their late nights spent only dreaming of a moment they'd get in person turned into so much more was surreal. Corbyn never thought he'd be here, getting ready to go out there and promise a part of him to his love forever.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked, concerned by Corbyn's silence.

Corbyn blinked, focusing back into reality. He hesitantly nodded, becoming more confident in his actions as the seconds passed.

"Yeah...yeah. I'm good, I'm ready."

"Alright then." Daniel laughed, grasping Corbyn's shoulder tightly and shaking him. He kept his hold on him as he smiled at him, becoming teary eyed all of the sudden. "I can't believe my best friend is getting married."

"Don't cry on me now, Seavey." Corbyn joked, swallowing the lump in his throat and ignoring his own tears forming.

"I won't, I won't." Daniel shook his head, blinking back his tears.

Corbyn laughed, pulling Daniel into a hug, resting his chin on his shoulder. A smile spread across his face as they stayed like that, Corbyn now anxious for the next few hours to come already.

"Alright, let's go get you a husband!"


"Zach, please calm down."

Jack's pleading voice went unheard by the panicking boy. He looked helplessly over at Jonah, both at a loss over what to do for him.

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