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jack rushed around his apartment, picking up loose items and stuffing them inside his overflowing bag. his roommate watched him with a raised eyebrow, amused.

"dude, i really don't think you need to bring the remote home," zach giggled at the older's stupidity as he took the remote out of the boy's suitcase.

the blond groaned, rubbing his hands over his face. "why am i so stressed?"

"it's nearly christmas," the brunet shrugged, "maybe you're stressed for the drive."

jack sighed and nodded, zipping his suitcase up with great difficulty.

"although i don't understand why you felt the need to bring your hand weights home," the shorter boy shook his head.

"i can't miss out on arm day," jack shrugged, rolling his suitcase towards the door. he sighed as the two walked outside of their apartment, closing the door behind them. "i can't believe the furnace broke right before your parents are supposed to get here."

"it's not a big deal," zach shook his head as he carried the blond's lighter bag, "they should be able to fix it soon."

"let's hope so, wouldn't want you to freeze while i'm gone," jack ruffled the brunet's locks with his free hand.

"jack! not the hair," he wined, as they came to a stop in front of their best friend's apartment.

"alright, let's get these idiots so we can hit the road."




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